Chapter 6: Ivanov

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Commander Petrovich, as always, has no idea what he is doing.

It would have seemed logical for him to enlist our division's doctor, the only person here who has been thoroughly trained in medicine. Instead, the commander is the one holding the needle, attaching a lengthy tube to the end before inserting it into the hand of the young Superior girl. She doesn't flinch or react in any way, and I vaguely remember hearing whispers that she cannot feel any form of pain.

If that is the case with her, it is no surprise that the commander is so desperate to gain her ability.

"Would you like her sedated, Commander?" I hate asking this question, but I feel as though I must. The commander is used to my loyalty, and although I am waiting for a chance to foil this plan of his, he must believe that I am still trustworthy.

"Of course not." he looks to me abruptly, rolling his eyes as though this should have been obvious, "I do not want that sedative in her blood when I draw it, you imbecile. She is not presenting a problem, so she will stay awake."

It is my turn to roll my eyes, making sure the commander is looking away when I do so.

He will find out one day who the real imbecile is.

"What did you say your name is, girl?" the commander's voice is a snarl when he asks her the question, interrogating her while simultaneously continuing his torture, "It seems you will be here a while, so you might as well tell me."

She looks up at the ceiling, refusing to acknowledge his words as she closes her eyes. She seems pale, the prominent dark circles under her eyes giving her a haunted look. She and the Orlov boy must nearly be the same age, though he has hardly spoken of her or the others since we took them in.

The commander's hand moves swiftly, his palm colliding with her cheek as I open my mouth. Even in these times, I would like to think I have some respect for common courtesy. I would never lay a hand on a woman, let alone a girl, unless she posed a threat to me.

There is no use chastising the commander, though. He has never cared about such things as respect and honor.

"I asked you a question, no?" his voice is annoyingly loud in the makeshift lab, his eyes meeting mine as though I am expected to provide backup.

"You would be wise to answer it." I snap, hoping there is enough feigned anger in my voice.

The commander gives me a slight nod of approval, and I give him a smile in return.

The Superior opens her eyes, turning to look at me rather than Petrovich.

"Fine. What does it matter?" her voice lacks any notable emotion, and she seems a few moments away from giving up on it all, "Lilian. My name is Lilian."

"And your companions? What are their names?"

"I'm not going to tell you that. If you want to know, you'll have to ask Dimitri." her retort takes the commander aback. Given how willing she was to surrender her own name, he must have been expecting her to expose the identities of her friends as well.

Even if she's given up hope, she's still loyal.

I applaud her for that.

The commander is angry, I can see it in the set of his jaw. He raises his hand again, but before he can make contact with Lilian's cheek, she speaks.

"You can do that as many times as you want. I don't care. You can't hurt me; even if you kill me I won't feel a thing."

So it is true, she is the one who cannot feel pain. That seems as though it would be both an asset and a curse.

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