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Pretty Setter Squad

Koganegawa: T-shirts sound AMAZING! :D

KaGAYama: i've never been in a "squad" before.

Yahaba: lmao ya'll are late to the party.

Shira-chan: who the HELL says "ya'll"???! that's dumb as hell.

Yahaba: me. that's who. are you trying to start a fight??

Volleybabes: Now now children, don't fight.

Semi: Don't you dare "uwu" my kouhai you WEIRDO.

Volleybabe: Don't call ME the weirdo, punkass Suga-chan!

Scary: Leave me out of this.

Semi: At least I don't wear unfashionable trash like you do!

Volleybabe: Bitch!!

Shira-chan: actually, you do.

Kenma: burn.

Semi: Betrayal. Why do you treat me like this, Shirabu?

Shira-chan: because you deserve it.

KaGAYama: um, so how are you this morning, Akaashi-san?

Akaashi: I've never been closer to death.

Akaashi: Me and Bokuto-san got home around 5 or something, I can't remember.

Akaashi: And he decided to crash at my place of course.

Akaashi: So now I've got a very tired Bokuto who doesn't want to go to school in my bed.

Volleybabe: AWW

Yahaba: that's a little gay

Akaashi: Like you're one to talk.

KaGAYama: do you always sleep in the same bed...?

Akaashi: Yes.

Akaashi: Why?

Scary: When Daichi comes over I bring a futon for him to sleep on.

KaGAYama: hinata always brings a sleeping bag.

Volleyball: Really? Because me and Iwa-chan sleep in the same bed...

Shira-chan: i haven't had a sleepover since i was small.

Semi: Aww. If you want, you can come sleepover at my house!

Shira-chan: kys

Semi: You are such a rude, sad little man.

Scary: So you're telling me that I should get Daichi to sleep in the same bed as me the next time he comes over? ;)

Volleybabe: Yes. You go, Mr. Refreshing.

Scary: ;)

Kenma: oh my GOD this group chat changes topics like kuroo changes underwear

Akaashi: Gross

Akaashi: But true.

Shira-chan: anyways,

Shira-chan: what colour do we want the shirts?

Scary: Orange

Volleybabe: Blue!

Akaashi: Yellow.

Semi: Purple.

Kenma: red

Koganegawa: Green!

Shira-chan: thank you all sm!!!!!! you're all so helpful!!

Volleybabe: Fine. How about we choose a colour that is NOT used in any of our volley-ball team uniform.

Shira-chan: then you're all getting pink!!

Yahaba: ...

Yahaba: how about

Shira-chan: no, shut up, fuck you. none of you helped me at ALL.

Volleybabe: Pink it is!

Shira-chan sent an image:

Shira-chan sent an image:

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KaGAYama: .....

KaGAYama: um

Yahaba: bitch are u colourblind? that's obviously magenta.

Shira-chan: FUCK YOU!!!! !!!

Semi: Shirabu, you need to calm the hell down. You're at a 15 and we need you at like, a 6.

Akaashi: I think it's nice. Good job.

Shira-chan: THANK you!!!!!!!

Volleybabe: I would have preferred a pastel pink.....but w/e.......

Kenma: now i need you all to send me your size and address. then the shirts should be in fairly quickly. shirabu, everyone's sent their share of money?

Shira-chan: yes

Yahaba: i had to pay for oikawa-san's smh

Volleybabe: I don't have that kind of money!!!

Yahaba: it was $5

Kenma: well then, give me your sizes and addresses please.

Kenma: but i can't promise i won't use my knowledge of where you live against you.

Shira-chan: huh???

Kenma: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sorry about the shitty quality  t-shirt picture, the website i used wouldn't let me get a nice picture w/o buying the shirt.
The site i used was spreadshirt.ca

This chapter gave me an aneurysm. 🙄

Pretty Setter Squad ➭ A Haikyuu!! ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now