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Iwaizumi Hajime was on a mission, and no one could stop him. He was power-walking through the halls so forcefully, it was all Ushijima could do but struggle to keep up.

They stopped at door number 420. Ushijima checked his phone. "Yes, this is the right room. Shirabu confirmed it with me last night."

"Of course they'd pick that number." Iwaizumi scoffed. He began pounding on the door.

One minute, then two minutes, then five minutes passed. No sound could be heard from the other side.

Finally, Ushijima sighed and shrugged his shoulders."Maybe you should try again." He said.

Iwaizumi pounded on the door longer this time. "Room service!" He called. He didn't stop knocking until he heard the lock of the door click and the knob began to turn.

A very sorry-looking blonde opened the door. His eyes were heavily bagged, and his anti-symmetrical hair was sticking up oddly.

"Hello Shirabu" Ushijima greeted. "We have come to-"

He was cut off by Shirabu shutting the door on his face.

Ushijima blinked. "He's in a bad mood."

Iwaizumi gritted his teeth and pushed the door back faster than Shirabu could close it. Light poured into the room, causing the teenage boys to hiss in anger.

Ushijima and Iwaizumi studied the room. The three beds it contained had three boys each, and the said boys were now covering their faces with pillows and blankets. Empty alcohol bottles and other garbage littered the floor, forcing the two to step over them to reach the beds.

Iwaizumi walked up to the bed that Oikawa lay on, holding a pillow over his face to block the light.

"Get up." Iwaizumi growled. The setters response was to hurl his pillows at Iwaizumi.

"Your voice is too loud." whined Sugawara, who was laying next to Oikawa.

Ushijima prodded the pillow on the floor with his foot. "You all seem unwell."

"I feel more than unwell." Oikawa sighed.

"And who's fault is that?" Iwaizumi scowled.

Oikawa rolled over onto his back. "The devil-duo who sold me the drinks." Oikawa sniffed.

"Who's talking. Why are people talking." Kenma murmured angrily, laying between Akaashi and Semi.

Koganegawa sprang up, earning a yelp from Kageyama who before was laying peacefully beside him.

He ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Gagging could be heard through the door.

"This is probably his first hangover." Suga said wistfully.

"This is my first hangover." Yahaba groaned.

"C'mon. I came here to pick you two up." Iwaizumi huffed. "Oikawa, Yahaba, get up."

"Iwa-chan, the only way I'm getting out of here is if you physically pick me up." Oikawa warned, rolling onto his side so that his back was now facing Iwaizumi.

Shrugging his shoulders, Iwaizumi walked over to Oikawa and scooped him up, bridal style. Oikawa shrieked as he hooked his arms around Iwaizumi's neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK, HAJIME." Oikawa screamed, clinging closer to his best friend.

"Shut UP." Shirabu moaned, pulling the covers over his head.

"Semi, would you like me to carry you like that?" Ushijima asked.

"Ushijima, if you touch me I swear to God I'll bite your hand off." Semi growled.

Yahaba yawned and rolled to the side, forgetting that he was on the edge of the bed. He rolled right off, and with an oof he fell to the ground. Yahaba laid there, eyes closed. "My body is screaming at me." He whispered.

Suga was the next to lumber out of bed, turning on the coffee pot that came with the hotel room.

"Iwa-chan, there's no need to act all manly in front of all these pretty boys." Oikawa smirked, over his momentary shock of being picked up.

Iwaizumi stared at him for a moment, nodded, then swiftly dropped Oikawa.

"I HATE you Iwachan!" Oikawa yelled from the floor.

"Yeah, yeah. Now hurry up and pack up your stuff." Iwaizumi muttered.

"You're going to have to leave a large tip to the cleaners." Ushijima said, observing the mysterious stains on the walls and floor.

"And not to mention pay them extra for all the racket we made." Akaashi spoke up, yawning.

"That was mostly the third-years." Shirabu said pointedly.

"Oh my God." Iwaizumi whispered. "Shittykawa, I'm going to kill you."

Oikawa stuck his chin out. "Save it for after the goodbyes, Iwa-chan."


"I'm gonna miss you most of all." Oikawa exclaimed dramatically, draping his body over Shirabu.

"Get off of me you asshole." Shirabu glared, trying to wrench Oikawa off of his body.

"It was nice seeing you all!" Suga smiled. He was hugging Semi and Koganegawa, who both looked a little surprised, but didn't resist.

"We should do this again." Kageyama said. It was immediately followed up by "No."s and "God help us."

Goodbyes were said, and cars were packed up with passengers. Koganegawa hitched another ride with Semi and Shirabu to the train station, waving to them all from the back seat.

"I have aspirins in the glove department." Suga gestured to a withered-looking Kageyama, who took them out and immediately passed the bottle to Akaashi.

He took them and mumbled a thank-you, before dumping a few in his mouth.

Kenma was already asleep, exhausted from the night before. Akaashi had the most scariest resting bitch-face, and he told the rest of the boys not to talk to him.

The rest of the trip was quiet. Sugawara drove Kenma and Akaashi home, and after dropping Kageyama off, he went home and took a nice, long nap.


When Sugawara awoke from his nap, he grabbed his phone. He noticed that he received a new notification.

Pretty Setter Squad

Volleybitch: So what is everyone doing next weekend? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧



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