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Pretty Setter Squad

Kinky Mom: We're on our way! (●U∇U●)

Semi: i'm actually lowkey excited.

Koganegawa: I'm on my way too!

Akaashi: Suga-san, when will you be arriving to pick Kenma and I up?

Kinky Mom: About three hours, maybe?

Volleybitch: We've got the hotel room booked, so when you arrive you can go straight there and dump your stuff off.

Kenma: thanks

Semi: Also:

Semi: What are we doing for food?

Volleybitch: Well the hotel has a free breakfast buffet

Volleybitch: and there's other good restaurants nearby.

Swageyama: i'm going to be so broke after this.

Koganegawa: I am so bored. Help me.

Shira-chan: suck it up

Swageyama: i know the solution

Swageyama: we're no strangers to love

Swageyama: you know the rules, and so do i

Koganegawa: A full commitment's what i'm thinking of

Koganegawa: You wouldn't get this from any other guy

Swageyama: I just want to tell you what I'm feeling

Koganegawa: Gotta make you understand

Swageyama: Never gonna


Volleybitch: GUYS stop spamming it's making me scroll down to the bottom when I try to read from the beginning!!!

Kinky Mom: Like you're not bottom by default...

Volleybitch: TRUE

Volleybitch: But SHUT UP

Akaashi: Wait how is Suga-san driving and texting at the same time?

Swageyama: good question.

~ like 2 hours later~

Semi: Oikawa why do you get so offended by everything.

Volleybitch: I do NOT >:(

Semi: Startrek sucks

Volleybitch: HOW DARE YOU

Shira-chan: wow you're right for once semi-san

Semi: Shut your mouth you salty little man

Shirabu: UGH

Swageyama: kenma-san, suga-san wants me to tell you that we're getting near your neighbourhood.

Kenma: ok

Yahaba: this is so exciting.

Koganegawa: only about two more hours until I get there!!!!

Koganegawa: But I'm soooooo boooooored.

Shira-chan: take a nap

Koganegawa: No!!!!!

Koganegawa: I had a dream once where I fell asleep on a train and I missed my stop!!! I ended up in Beijing when I woke up!!!!

Semi: That is...highly unlikely.

Koganegawa: But how do you know????

Semi: How old are you again?

Shira-chan: just give up. It's no use.

Shira-chan: it's like talking to a 5 year old.

Koganegawa: GUYS



Volleybitch: (pssssst)

Volleybitch: (guys)

Volleybitch: (i got the goods)

Semi: Why are you texting like that?

Volleybitch: (cause)

Volleybitch: (i'm whispering)

Shira-chan: well WHY are you whispering?

Volleybitch: (i have)

Volleybitch: The booze

Volleybitch: Whoops I mean

Volleybitch: (the booze)

Semi: What the fuck!!!

Semi: We're underage!

Volleybitch: I know >:3

Semi: That's illegal!

Volleybitch: I know >:3

Semi: Bitch What The Fuck!

Shira-chan: oh don't be such a tight-ass.

Semi: Shirabu?????

Shira-chan: you worry too much. just chill tf out and have some fun once in a while .-.

Volleybitch: Damn....

Volleybitch: Shira-chan is right.

Volleybitch: Also if ya'll tell anyone that I am giving alcohol to minors you WILL be cut 🔪

Shira-chan: how'd you even get your hands on it?

Volleybitch: Now THAT'S a secret I will take to my grave.

Volleybitch: (✿◠‿◠)


Psssssssssst he got it from maki + matsun don't tell 👀

Thanks for reading!

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