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"Kageyama, if you even sing even a note from that song again, I'm going to crash this car into the next truck that's driving past us." Sugawara seethed.

"But it's a classic." Kageyama pouted, leaning his head against the passenger window.

"No, It's a curse! And if I ever see Rick Astley in real life I'm going to punch him in the throat and break his stupid vocal chords." Suga growled, clenching the steering wheel.

"Sugawara-san, please calm down." Akaashi said gently, reaching forwards and plucking Kageyama's speaker away from him.

The four boys were all seated comfortably in the van. Sugawara was driving, Kageyama was in the front, and Akaashi and Kenma were in the back.

"At least play something good." Kenma mumbled without looking up from his PSP.

"Like what?" Kageyama asked.

Akaashi pulled his phone out. "Don't worry, I got this. I got Spotify specifically for this trip." He smiled.


"We're just supposed to be picking Koganegawa up from the train station, don't make it such a big deal." Semi groaned, slamming his head against the steering wheel.

"I'm just saying," Shirabu began, "that we could have avoided all this garbage traffic if you took a right back there!"

Semi sighed. "But it's lunch hour! There would have been traffic regardless of wherever we went!"

Shirabu crossed his arms. "Yeah right. You're just saying that to make it seem like you're right."

Semi threw his hands in the air with exasperation. "Who's the one with the license, huh? I think that I'd know more about this stuff than you." Semi snapped back.

The two boys were silent, the only sound being the air conditioner, barely cooling them off in the warm weather.

The silence was broken by Shirabu hissing and lifting his legs up to his chest. "That better not be what I think it is." He growled.

Semi took his eyes off the road momentarily. "What?"

Shirabu pointed at a small, white and round object sitting on the floor of the passenger side.

Semi's eyes widened. "Shit." He cursed. "I thought I cleaned all those up."

"Why is there an opened condom in your car?" Shirabu shouted. "That better not be used!"

"No, I swear, it's just Tendou and I-" Semi struggled to find the right words. "-we were, shit, it's not what it seems like!"

"No I get it." Shirabu said quietly. "You and Tendou are a thing. I just need to get over it." He turned away from Semi to face the window.

"Shirabu, I..." he stopped himself. He didn't trust himself to say anything else.

"Let's just enjoy ourselves tonight, okay?" Semi said, clutching the steering wheel. He watched his knuckled turn white and wished the squirming feeling in his stomach would stop.


"There they are!" Oikawa said, elbowing Yahaba to get his attention. He waved Semi, Shirabu, and the newly found Koganegawa over to their meeting place, which was a small park.

They exchanged greetings, and Yahaba and Shirabu were both careful not to look each other in the eye. Cause that would mean a challenge.

Shirabu looked them up and down.
"You know, I didn't know how I would feel when I met you guys face-to-face, but now that I have, I just feel like punching you." He said thoughtfully.

"We have met face-to-face before, stupid." Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"Well." Semi muttered. "This is off to a great start."

"Oh hey, I got a snap from Akaashi." Yahaba said, fingers on his phone.
He clicked play on the video that Akaashi sent.

The song Dancing Queen by ABBA was blasting through Yahaba's phone speakers as he showed the others a video of Sugawara, Akaashi, Kageyama and even Kenma visibly jamming out and singing along to the song.

Semi whistled. "They seem to be having a good time."

"Well we can't let them have a better time than us! C'mon, let's go drop your bags off and then do something fun while we wait for them to arrive." Oikawa said.

Shiribu eyed the others wearily, then looked at the sky. The sun shined brightly down on them, and a light breeze ruffled his hair. He sighed.

"Fine. Lead the way, Oikawa."


"We made it in one piece. Between Kageyama's bathroom breaks and Sugawara's singing, I didn't know if we'd survive." Kenma muttered as they pulled into the hotel parking lot.

"What was that?" Sugawara asked, whipping his head around to face the second-year.

"Nothing." Kenma said, slouching farther in his seat.

"Now just let me call Oikawa-san and let him know we're here." Akaashi said, typing away at his phone.

Sugawara parked, and the boys got out of the van to stretch their legs.

"This hotel is very big." Kageyama marvelled.

The four boys wandered around the outside of the hotel with their luggage, waiting.

"I see them." Kenma pointed. The other five walked towards them.

"Hey!" Suga waved.

"Nice to see you again, Kageyama!" Koganegawa chirped, running over to the other first-year. Kageyama nodded back, looking a little flustered.

"Ahh, Refreshing-chan! How are you?" Oikawa said with a smirk.

"Not bad, Tooru." Suga winked.

"Now let's dump your stuff in the room, and then we can go have fun." Semi said, grinning.

"That's weird. Before, you were all We shouldn't be drinking this and This is a bad idea that." Shirabu taunted.

"I'm just excited. Is it bad to be excited?" Semi asked.

"I'm excited as well." Kenma said. A small smile crept its way to his face.

"Well then," Oikawa said, stepping between Semi and Shirabu. "let's get going before you two kill eachother."


Holy fuck that's a long chapter, WHOOPS!
Texting + fun times in the next chapt.

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