18|Daddy's girl

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The sun was shining brightly announcing that it's time to wake up and greet the day , I had a hand wrapped around my waist and a face nestled in the crock of my neck , the contact his lips had with my skin made me tremble at his warmth .
"Kakashi , will you take your hands off me" I asked faking annoyance , it's was 6:00AM though so that might've helped .
"Huh?" He asked looking around and rubbing his eyes with a cute yawn he stood up putting on his mask and going back to rest on the bed.

"Unbelievable" I muttered rolling my eyes , this is serious and all he wants to do is sleep .

"Hatake , if you don't wake up now I'll burn all your books while I make you watch" he opened one eye as I threatened to destroy his most prized possession .

When he fully saw that I wasn't kidding around he groaned taking his arm off my waist and sitting in the bed , his hands rubbing his temples and his brows furrowed in anticipation , something he used to do when he is thinking .
I sighed getting up and dressed in my ninja gear , putting my sword in my back which I recently named Kokai , The Red Sea it seemed fitting I guess .
"Do you think we are actually gonna win" Kakashi turned around looking at me , fear evident in his normally laid back features .
My red orbs mirroring his own fearful  expression .
"I don't know " I shook my head and slid up my fingerless gloves on putting my hair up in a pony tail .
As I bent down trying to find my shoes Kakashi's worried voice caught me off guard .
"Kana in the off chance we die I want you to know tha-" before he could finish what am guessing would be the cheesiest line ever I stopped him and sat besides him in the bed , hesitantly enveloping his hand with mine .
"NO , don't you dare to finish that line am gonna save you from what am guessing would be the single most embarrassing event in you life and tell you that whatever you were about to say , don't . This is the last day on earth you talking , the idea of dying is too much so you are gonna probably say something stupid "
I said looking at him with a harsh expression , bitchy move I get it but if there is a possibility they make it out of there alive and I don't , then  hating me will be much easier if he ever were to forget me .
"Now I got to go , I have to train , don't wake up Naruto he is tired" before he could protest I teleported to Shiro's room , why walk when I can teleport .
I nearly fell when teleporting next to him ,
"I guess my teleportation skills still suck" I muttered looking around , soft snores coming from Shiro and Naruto filled the room making me chuckle , idiots .
I kneeled besides Shiro's bed and poked him with my finger , for the past couple of days Naruto and Shiro had been getting closer both of them have lots of things they could bond over , I guess it's true what they say , brain dead idiots do think alike , was it like that I don't remember ? .
I decided to play a prank on my dear friend and concentrated all my fire chakra on the palm of my hands , I slowly placed my burning hands on Shiro's chest . To say he woke up fast would be an understatement .
"What th-" before he could curse the whole fucking alphabet I pointed at Naruto while shushing him .
"Let's go outside" I whispered taking his hands in mine ready to teleport but as soon as he made sense of what was about to happen he took his hand away in fear .
"What" I asked impatiently rolling my eyes when he started to shake .
"You don't really expect me to go with you while your teleporting skills suck like that right ? " He asked eyes widen as I shrugged my shoulders .
"When have my AMAZING teleporting skills ever failed you" I asked emphasis on the amazing part .
"You teleported us to a volcano the first time we meet , and the second time you teleported us to a hot spring" he shook me by my shoulders as I giggled at the memory .
"Oh like you didn't enjoy" I teased wiggling my eyebrows .
"It was full of old women" his hands caressed his bed hair .
"Hey , next time you tell me buddy and I'll teleport us to one where they have old man in it " faking sympathy I placed my hand in his shoulder .
"It's not like that" he muttered getting out of the room scratching his back .
"Whatever you've got to tell yourself pal I do t judge " I shouted then completely shut up remembering Naruto was just next to us .
He kept snoring and moving in his sleep giving no signs of him ever waking up , I sighed in relief .
Finally I closed my eyes teleporting myself outside , opening my eyes again I saw a beautiful view in front of me .
The sweet breeze of the summer air swept my hair back and forth as the sound of the birds , music to my ears echoed in the distance .
Everything felt right expect one thing , I was 5 feet above ground . As soon as I realized I had teleported myself into a tree I used the little nails I have to try and hold on to the truck of the tree and not fall to my death , terror washed over me as I thought I would fall .
To my luck Shiro was next to me in moments with toast in his hand and another one is in mouth he grabbed the back of my collar and teleported us down .
"Shiro my knight in shining armor" I hugged him as he sighed at my exaggeration , sometimes I could be a bit like Guy expect I have a great sense of fashion , sometimes .
"Yeah yeah , so what Jutsu do you want to train today " he sighed giving me the toast in his hand .
"I was thinking the one we practiced before but never fully could finish" I said standing up and dusting myself off .
"Kana , you know that for that jutsu I have to access you childhood memories and find you worst fear " he looks at me dead in the eye silence fell on us as I closed my eyes trying not to think about that .
"No point in that , my worst fear is dead" I bit my deliciously crunchy toast as I looked him dead in the eyes .
"What do you mean , if your worst fear is dead then why would you still be afraid" he asked sitting down looking at me expectantly .
"Because even in his grave that man manages to haunt my nightmares" I looked away not wanting to talk more about this .
"What do you propose then?" Asked Shiro getting in possession , legs crossed .
"I want to travel to the other side Shiro , I want to fight the ghost of my dead father and win" he bit his thumb listening to my plea he drew out some blood and started drawing signs in his healed chest .
"Are you sure about this because Kana , once you are there you may not be able to come back" he looked at me waiting for my response .
I nodded biting my bottom lip

"Let's kick ass"

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