23|~Heil The Armored Heart

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23-Time Heals All Wounds, Right?

Many say that our worst enemies are ourselves, only we know our darkest secrets and our greatest weaknesses.
She was my greatest enemy , she was everything I hated, after all, she was me .
She was the me I hated the most .
The darkness that hid deep inside my soul made her .
Yet in some weird sense it made me too , the blissfully numbing darkness made me feel at home , made me feel safe and how could I not  hate the darkness yet hated what it made me .


The beautiful symphony of the daylight filled my ears as I moaned into my pillow the sweet scent of the sun hit my face from the cracks of my window.
I woke up with an audible gasp, my eyes wandered around to every inch of the room, it wasn't mine.
The walls were a nice/boring grey color. Two windows were opened, letting the light adorn the dimly lit room.

There were some weights next to the bed and some ninja gear scattered around that I didn't consider to be mine.

I sat up from the bed to come to the vast realization that I had no clothes on and a very viable scar on my stomach.
Poking the scar with my fingers I realized how badly they patched me up, but better yet.
What the hell am I doing naked in some strangers bed and, what the hell gave me this scar.
                  "Two things I was sure of"
1: I had to get out of here.
2: I needed some clothes, fast.

"So you're awake" a voice startled me.
"Kakashi....." looking at him in utter confusion he handed me some clothes and put a red vibrant cup of black coffee in his night stand.
"Kakashi what the hell happened, did we win against Zabuza, I don't remember anything" I chuckled as I finished dressing up I noticed Kakashi was wearing a big frown with his arms crossed in a very brooding style he looked at me with his piercing eyes.
"The Hokage decided that you'll no longer be a sensei for team 7, instead you'll be participating with them in each mission they have, no complaints" he bit his bottom lip with a look of betrayal in his eyes, what the hell.

"You're kidding, right. I busted my ass for them and now you guys just throw me away, like am some kind of rag doll.
And you wonder why I left on the first place "

Cautiously I came closer to him and took his gloved hands in mine, I was about to lose my mind.
He let go of my hands as if I had some kinda of disease.

"Kakashi what the hell happened when I passed out and how the hell did I end up here naked and with a big ass scar on my stomach, you owe me that much"
Demanding for an answer I growled in an animalistic way, surprising not only him but myself.

We both recovered quickly from the shock.

"Your clothes were destroyed in the attack, and the scar.... I did that" he let his arms fall to his side as he balled his fist in anger.
"Why would you do that" I asked with more betrayal than anger in my voice.

"Get ready, the Hokage called for us" he turned around but not before I grabbed his wrist.

"This avoiding questions thing you've got going on is really getting old" I glared, not one ounce of playfulness in my voice.

"So are your threats"

He turned around facing me with a piercing hatred evident in his eyes.

"What did you do all the time you were missing, all those years you weren't here, where were you"
I couldn't do anything else than stare at him unable to respond, unable to answer with the truth.

"I thought so, get ready. The Hokage awaits" and like that he disappeared leaving me alone with my own thoughts.
My own destructive, depressive, homicidal thoughts, big mistake.

I teleported to where he was sitting on the roof with a puff of smoke.
"You know what, you don't just get to ask me that" I started my rant as he smoked one of his cigarettes the other hand passed through his gravity defining silver hair, smoking is something he usually did when stressed.
I continued.
"Am a big girl Kakashi, I've been gone for a long time now, I don't owe you or anyone else any favors, I came here as a favor to the Hokage and as a way to fix my relationship with Sasuke, nothing more nothing less"
He looked at me with pain in his eyes, a pain that couldn't be expressed with words a pain that demanded to be felt.
A simpler yet more deadly kind of pain, a pain I know very well.
"Then, shall we"he stood up throwing his cigarette over the sidewalk in passive aggression.
At that instant I wanted to scream at him to be mad, to care, because anything was better than this. I wanted to sob my eyes out but instead I smiled.

"Yes, we shall"

................⚜️one hour later⚜️................

"It's decided then, the The Chunin exams shall start this week anyone having any questions stay with me so we can discuss them"
said the Hokage blowing up a nice puff of smoke.
As everyone left I told Kakashi to leave, that I'll be right behind.

"You know that thing kills you, right"
approaching the Hokage I smiled in a friendly manner which he returned, thank god someone's not giving me the cold shoulder.

"Yeah well it'll be worthy then" he joked as I sighed.
I hated having to be this person but I needed answers, now.
I needed to know what happened in the Land of Waves.
"Hiruzen, I need to know why am I here, if am gonna be a genin shouldn't I be with my team instead, somewhere else waisting time or swooning for some guy I don't really know what kids do right now Sakura does that".

"You know you're only 4 years older than them" He said with a small chuckle trying to earn a smile but when he saw his efforts were in vain he gave up.

"You're only a genin for protection" he looked down at his hands almost having a mental battle.
Better yet, a war.

"Protection for who" man... now that I looked back how I wished I hadn't asked that.

"From yourself to others........."

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