21|~All or Nothing

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I opened my eyes wearily as my head pounded with an intense headache .
I could hear Shiro shaking me causing me to jerk awake .
"What happened" I asked breathlessly
"You came back Kana , I didn't call for you you just... came back" he shrugged but the clear look of worry in his face couldn't be erased.
"It was them" my eyes widen with realization .
"They sent me back Shiro , they didn't want me to find him" a tear slipped from my eyes as I realized that I couldn't find my father , I couldn't beat him , I couldn't win .
"You have to send me back" I begged as sobs began to escape me .
"I can't Kana , I don't have any more chakra left" he embraced me in a tight hug as I bawled my eyes out , I let my head rest in his chest as I could only feel his hand lightly stroking my back whispering sweet nothing's into my ear he calmed me down , hi chakra wrapped around mine in a protective hug .
"Kana , Shiro" shouted a familiar pink haired girl with an Uchiha following behind her tail .
I dried my tears and left Shiro's welcoming warmth to stand up .
Closing my eyes I let my chakra be known , my throat hurts from crying and I didn't feel like screaming .
"Oh here you guys are , thank god"
"Kakashi was asking for both of you , he says it's time" Sakura smiled nervously clearly terrified of what's ahead , whilst Sasuke more aware of the situation sent Shiro some warning glares .
"We'll be right there" I said suddenly back to my happy cheerful self but in my mind the reoccurring image of my absent father could not leave me .
"Ok then , let's get moving people" I smirked a known smirk making Shiro laugh and Sasuke smirk the Uchiha smirk mimicking his big sis .
We all walked through the forest Sasuke and Sakura behind while Shiro stood by my side the cold summer breeze swept my black hair back and forth as my glossy red eyes scanned the forest in hope of finding the house .
"Hey any o-" before I could finish my dearest sibiling interrupted me
"It's that way " he pointed to the left where we saw Kakashi talking with Tsunami probably thanking her and everything .
"I knew that I was just testing you" I muttered suddenly very embarrassed .
Tired of walking we all teleported next to Kakashi and by all I mean I teleported Sasuke and Shiro teleported Sakura .
"I'll leave Naruto in your care I don't think He'll be able to move today" Kakashi said while sending me some questioning glares , man can he multitask .
"What about you?" Asked a very much worried Tsunami .
"Aw she cares" without knowing I answered sarcastically and immaturely , putting my arm around Kakashi's neck I pinched Kakashi's cheek , am not proud.
In response to my obvious jealousy Kakashi smirked and answered Tsunami's question softly "I'll be fine , I have team that has by back after all , don't I" we exchanged glances , mine of shame for being a jealous bitch and his of a triumphant smirk .
"Well then let's get moving people , don't wanna make them wait" I clapped signaling that it was time for us to get going , we all said our goodbye and thanks while Naruto slept soundly in their house , we have no shame.
The sun shone brightly as we all walked through the forest getting closer to the bridge under construction , we all looked badass but no one said a word knowing very well that this could very much be our last day on earth .
The sun shone brightly as a deep voice whispered in my ear once again
"One man's Hell is another man's Wonderland"  I knew nothing good could come out from what we were about to do .
Kakashi wasn't well rested , Shiro didn't have enough chakra , I had no jutsu only my sword Kokai , but did that stop me .

No , because this All or Nothing .......

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