22|~Deathly Cold

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"Come out Zabuza, wherever you are it'll never be a good enough hiding place" I taunted , my voice holding power and arrogance .
Mist started to surround us from all sides alerting that the enemy was near.
"Sasuke , Sakura get ready" shouted Kakashi , thanks now they know where we are genius .
"Shiro , cover my back if something goes wrong" I was smart enough to whispered that to him secretively .
"Deal" he nodded as we all took our fighting stances . I grabbed the hilt of my sword as everyone else grabbed a kunai or made hand signs .
"Kakashi sensei this is Zabuza right , this is his Mist" stated Sakura as oblivious as ever .

"Well no shit Sherlock , A+ on your deduction skills" I replied sarcastically as the heat of the sword bang to burn my palms .

"What the h-" I let the sword fall as my hands burned brighter than the sun .

"Kana , Always happy to see you're not dead"
his deep voice interrupted my wondering thoughts
"Pity I can't say the same"
"I see you still have those brats with you Kakashi "
his voice once again boomed like music, filling the intense air as Sasuke shook in fear .

"That one is still trembling , pitiful" he referred to Sasuke as if he were trash , as if he were if he were nothing .

"Am tremebling with excitement" Sasuke , my brother snapped as I tried to bite back a smile .
Key word : tried .

Three Zabuza clones appeared next to us on in front of Sasuke one next to me and one next to Kakashi .

"He's all yours Sasuke" Kakashi generously let Sasuke have the first punch yet Sasuke looked at me expectantly .
"Have at it" I smiled as he nodded and with one quick move he slashed all the three clones with one blow .
I cringed "Jesus Christ , remains me to never piss you off" I muttered as Shiro nodded in acknowledgment at my brother's strength .

"Brat's improving , looks like you've got a rival Haku" a masked man with long black hair tied in a pony tail suddenly appeared next to the real Zabuza who was smartly keeping his disctance from us .
"What!? , no" I shook my head and ran towards Haku in blinding speed , he's not touching my little brother I can feel his chakra and it's.... cold .
Deathly cold .

As if reading my thoughts , Zabuza got in front of me blocking with his big ass sword .
"Move or I'll rip your throat out" I growled as I could see a hint of fear in his eyes .
I retreated back to where I once stood sending a murderous glare his way as he smiled frivolously .
"Well well well , so I had it all right , that cute little mask . It was all an act" said Kakashi making my curiosity irk , what was he trying to do .
Am pretty sure he and Shiro could sense Haku's deadly chakra , why poke the bear .

"Big phony" Sasuke played along , and it pissed me off .It was like they were all part of some big joke that I didn't know of .
"He's got some nerve after facing us again when pulling a trick like that" Sakura was following along , SAKURA .
I saw Haku and Zabuza whispering something to themselves and just like that , Haku turned toward us in a tornado kinda way coming closer to Sasuke .
Sasuke jumped back as Haku's unimaginable speed caught up with him .
They were fighting: one Kunai vs Senbon needles .

Sasuke could keep up with her speed....

As everyone else had their eyes glued to the fight I noticed something that made my heartbeat race , and not in a good way .
They were sorrunded by water and Haku blocked one of Sasuke's hands .
He started to make hand signs with one hand , something that alarmed me . Not everyone could make hand signs I fitting into the vast minority .
Sasuke vanished into thin air before all the needles that formed out thin ice could attack him .
The training taught him something I see .
Sasuke getting the upper hand punched him in the gut then in the face as Haku barely dodge the kunai coming his way .
"You're not as fast as you thought huh" Sasuke mocked , something he got from me . My most charming trait ,
Zabuza chuckled darkly making my boiling anger run past its peck .
"Why are you laughing asshole , is the idea of your sorry ass losing that funny" I shouted as a fire inside me lit .
My sword Kokai called me as if having the sword in my hands could wench the thirst of the firery pit inside my soul.
"I remember you used to really like this ass" Zabuza retorted making me finally snap .
"I was 15 and you took advantage of me , for that and all your crimes you will pay with your sorry excuse of a life" growled something inside me , a much darker much sinister voice that I couldn't recognize .
A velvety and smooth voice whispered in my ear , you could hear the fear in his voice.
"This is just the beginning Kana, remember that only the strongest survive the war, don't let her control you"
The chains finally snapped letting my demons roam wild .
Her cage opened and the bars couldn't hold her no more . The fire inside me ceased and a terrifying laugh filled the ear .

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