12|Dont Bite More Than You Can Chew

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Me and my teammates walked and walked following Kakashi , and of course Naruto kept asking 'are we there yet' the whole way there , I mean it was a good comic relief seeing and exasperated Kakashi but that plus my hilarious commentary the whole way there made Kakashi snap and now he isn't answering any of us until we get there .
"Aw.. is someone upset " I taunted in a mocking voice , only to receive silence from his side.
Kakashi had grown taller and more muscular , I couldn't help but notice he had covered his right eye with that mask of his and his gravity defying hair had grown longer . I missed him , and his stupid hair .

Sasuke was tall too , he wears a hard look on the outside but sometimes as Naruto kept babbling I could see his hard facade crack and his lips curve into a tiny smile . I guess he thought that maybe if he acts like none can hurt him he won't get hurt , the walls he's built up over the years I wonder are those my fault or Itachi's , Itachi may have killed out family but I wasn't there for him when he needed me the most , I wasn't there for him growing up and that's what I regret the most .
"So... , Kana what did you do while you were away " asked Sakura trying to break the awkward silence .
"I'll have you know that I was a thief , one of the best actually  , I robbed people with Shiro here " I stated proudly making Kakashi and Sasuke stop in their tracks .
"YOU WERE A THIEF" yelled a certain blonde looking offended as if I had killed his cat or something .
"And damn proud" I put my hands on my hips and a smile on my face , when I looked at Sasuke I could see hurt and anger , whilst when I looked back at Kakashi I saw only hurt .
"Let's keep walking " said Kakashi lowering his gaze .
"Awkward" muttered Shiro making me push him teasingly , I didn't really get it , what's so wrong about being a thief .
Before I could drown myslef in my depressing thoughts I stepped in a puddle of water .
"Shit..." I cursed under my breath then frowned , why would there be a puddle of water in a sunny day when there hasn't rained in weeks .
I looked at Kakashi who only meet my gaze with a slight nod , I got the message easily working with someone for that much period of time does that to you .
In the Root when we worked together and could communicate by glances and long looks of dread .
We kept walking till ninjas jumped from the puddle of water and attacked Kakashi with chains , all of his students seemed mortified clearly terrified their sensei had 'died' , I got in position and wield the sword that the Hokage had given , but as soon as I touched the handle of the sword a burning sensation burned my palm causing me to drop the sword .
' I guess we've got to do this the old fashion way '
One ninja went straight for Naruto who only stood stunned and unable to move , I let Sasuke take care of that one .
The other ninja went for Tazuna , thankfully Sakura stood in front of the bridge builder in a protective stance .
I flashed my sharingan in the man's direction and as he was about to attack I appreared in front of Sakura and with one simple hand sign I muttered the word Kasai(fire) and the man erupted in flames , leaving a worried Shiro glancing frantically between me and the ashes of said man , in his eyes I could see the worry of me using said Jutsu , but it was a means to an end no one is getting hurt on my watch .
"Good job Sasuke and Sakura , Naruto I didn't know you would just stand there and do nothing frankly am disappointed , Kana " he looked at me not saying anything but in his eyes I could see the suspicion and quizzical look that I so wanted to avoid .
"What ? No thansk for saving your bacon " I asked taking the sword in my hand and putting it on my back .
"I have wanted to ask you so many things since I first saw you stepping foot in the Hokage's office , I think now it's time" Shit....

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