Epilogue 1

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"Athan, stop!" Autumn scolded her wife who was covered in foam of bubbles while their butt naked 2 year old daughter laughed at both of them.

"Why?! This is fun! Look Summer's having fun." Athan insisted, putting more foam on top of her daughter's head and molding her a beard. Autumn just smiled as she sighed at her wife's stubbornness. "Now we know how Summer will look when her hair grows longer."

"Pff. Athan she's not growing a beard." Autumn giggled as she started washing off the soap to finish her bath.

"But what if she wants to?" Athan and Summer looked at each other. "Do you want to baby? Just know that I'm perfectly fine with it. Although it will be weird as fuck but I will get a hang of it."

"Athan, don't curse in front of our child." Autumn smacked her after she enveloped her daughter in a soft towel. 

"Eh. Kid's don't listen to their parents so it doesn't matter." Athan simply shrugged as she cleaned the bubbles on her shirt and hair before escorting her wife and daughter back inside the house. Before they got inside to dress her up, someone called them.

"MOM!" They turned around to see a fifteen year old with dark brown hair and leaf green eyes. He's huffing and covered in sweat. "Can I show Gione the trick you taught me?!" He said excitedly.

"Hi aunt Autumn and Athan." The boy named Gione smiled and waved. He was just the same height with their son. Very light blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"Hey kids. Of course! But be careful. The sea is a little unpredictable today." 

"Thank's mom!" Before they could ran off, Autumn shouted.

"Winter! Be back for lunch!" She frowned when she didn't get any reply from her son.

Athan laughed at her. "See? I'm the more wanted parent." 

"It's because you spoil them so much." Autumn sat on the sofa where Summer's clothes are.

"No I don't I'm just fun."

"And I'm not?!" Autumn glared as Athan bounced, sitting next to them. 

"I'm not saying that. Just cut the stick up you ass a little shorter."

Autumn's jaw dropped in disbelief, straightening Summer's clothes. "Your'e a bitch. I'm just looking after them." She pouted, a little hurt.

"I know," Athan smiled as she leaned, hugging her wife's waist. "And we wouldn't have it any other way." She kissed her cheek.

"NOOO! Here, mommy." Summer pointed to the center of Autumn's lips making both of them giggle.

"You heard the boss." Athan husked,wiggling her eyebrows. "Now give me a kiss." 

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