Roselina's POV
I tilt my head from side to side. "What do you mean? I am not the queen of the dragons. I'm your mate."
He just chuckles. "I know mate. And you are the queen of the dragons. I am the king and since you are my mate, you are the queen."
I open my mouth to say something but can't. I open and close my mouth several times. Finally after about five minutes I say, drum roll please. "No."
He looks at me in shock. "A-are..." He gulps. "Are you rejecting me?" His voice cracks. I can tell he's seriously scared that I'm about to reject him.
"No! Never! I'd never reject you!"
He lets out a deep sigh of relief. He's now looking at me with curiosity in his eyes. "Then what are you saying no to?"
"Being queen. I can't do it! Being queen is bigger than being a Luna in a wolf pack!" I gasp suddenly and cover my mouth. "You killed Alpha Dean! My old pack is going to kill you! They hit hard and will stop at nothing beat and scar you! I would because they've given me so many scars it isn't f-"
He cut me off by snarling loudly. "Scars?! I see the bruises but you have scars too?!" His voice boomed. "I don't care that I killed their Alpha! And don't call him Alpha! You are above him! You always have been!"
He sat me down gently and growled. He paced around. I realized we were still naked and gasped. "U-um... I n-need clothes?" I squeaked, trying to calm him down.
His head snapped to me, hatred in his eyes. The look made me flinch and whimper. I showed my neck as a sign of submission.
His looked hurt and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you into submission. I'm just... Flustered. I'm used to being cold and not really caring about what wolves do, but now... I just want to rip every wolf," he looked at me. "Aside from you of course, apart."
I rub my arm and look down. He sighs and walks over to a tree. He pulled out a duffle bag and pulled out some clothes.
He got dressed then pulled out a shirt that said 'There is a light within the dark, and dark within the light. Truth within all lies, and lies within all truths.' on it.
It also had two dragons. One with a black body and a white head and the other with a white body and a black head. They were swirled together so they looked like the yin yang sign.
He handed it to me and I put it on. The shirt went past my knees it was so big. It smelled like him. Like scorched chestnuts and roasted pecans. Cinnamon lingering there.
I smiled as my light blonde hair blew in the wind. I got a closer look at my mates face as he stared at me with awe. His eyes were a beautiful red color with a golden glaze. They held so much love and awe for me... A useless, pathetic wolf.
He had light and fluffy red hair. And I mean red as in crayon red. I wonder if he dyed it...
He must have read my mind because he said, "It's my natural hair color. It's red, like my dragon." I blushed and nodded. He seems to have forgotten about my pack. (For now)

My Dragon Mate
WerewolfDragons and werewolves hate each other. Dragon will kill any wolf they see. The reason for this, is that the dragon god and moon goddess hate each other. But what if... What if the dragon god and moon goddess decided to mate a wolf and a dragon? Th...