Sorry I haven't updated in a while... Been busy. Today alone I had three tests. :( Anyway, here's the next chapter.
Roselina's POV
I hung from the wall as blood ran down my beaten body. I missed Gadjeel, but I found comfort in my warm blood.
You really shouldn't... A small voice that wasn't my wolf's whispered to me.
Who are you? I asked the unfamiliar yet soothing voice.
I am you. It responded. Yet, I am not you.
Great. I'm going insane.
No, you're not insane. Now break out of here and go to Gadjeel! our mate needs us and I can't protect our eggs much longer.
What are you talking about? Gadjeel doesn't want me anymore. It's as mother says, I'm useless.
DON'T LISTEN TO THAT F**KING BITCH! I HATE HER! The voice suddenly yelled, startling me.
O-ok! I'll escape... But how?
Just say "Toppa". I felt the voice roll its eyes... If that's even possible.
"T-Toppa..." I whispered, feeling dumb. The chains on my wrists snapped and I fell to the ground, free. I felt too weak to move...
Channel energy from our mate into your body, but not too much, just enough to run.
What do you mean our mate? And don't give me that "I'm you" Dragon crap! It won't work!
Funny you should say that... Now hurry up and do it before we get caught and killed! Do you want our eggypups to die?!
NO! How do i channel energy?
Just think of him and feel his energy, then grab it with your soul and cut off a piece for yourself!
That doesn't even make sense!
I do as the crazy voice says and think of Gadjeel. I feel something brush against my mind, then I see it! His energy. Making a hand with my soul, I grab his energy. Then, I imagine a pair of scissors and cut off a piece about the size of a shoebox. Feeling his power within me, I get up and begin to run. Run towards safety, freedom, warmth, and my loving mate.
"GADJEEL!" I call out, wanting to be with him with all my heart. Suddenly everything went black. I felt warm all over, then I see a light. I reached for it and I touched it, I was with Gadjeel. But... he was covered in blood and looked pissed.
He was with a woman. "Your mate, Roselina, do you know what she is?"
"Of course I do! She's a werewolf!"
"Not quite." What? What does that mean? "She's a witch."

My Dragon Mate
Lupi mannariDragons and werewolves hate each other. Dragon will kill any wolf they see. The reason for this, is that the dragon god and moon goddess hate each other. But what if... What if the dragon god and moon goddess decided to mate a wolf and a dragon? Th...