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I just wanted to say, the book will go on after this chapter, so please keep reading and kill me.
Roselina's POV

"You don't have one egg... You have... A parasite."

My eyes widened in shock. "W-What?!"

"You had to eat trash before, right?" I nodded, still in shock. "Yes, well, it appears as though you got a parasite from it and... I can't... Save you. It's too far... I'm sorry, Queen."


She and I both flinched slightly. "W-Well... We can put her on an IV and get her antibiotics, but there's no guarantee that it w-"

"I DON'T CARE! WE HAVE TO TRY!" She nodded and I was immediately taken into the hospital.

One year passed and I got worse. My body grew weaker and weaker. Eventually, I was no longer able to get out of bed, for I could not move. I'm so sorry, Gadjeel, my one true love.

Gadjeel's POV

My mate, my beautiful, perfect, smart, amazing I goddess of a mate was dying, and there was nothing I could do about it. She lay there in bed, on the verge of tears. She can no longer move, no longer smile. This parasite has taken away everything. The entire kingdom weeps for their queen as she lays, unmoving and staring with begging eyes.

Her heart rate begins slow and tells me to come to her side.

Gadjeel, I love you. I always will, no matter what. I'm sorry I couldn't provide you with heirs. I'm sorry I was useless. BUT I LOVED AND STILL LOVE YOU! I'M SO SORRY!

Tears welled up in her perfect eyes as I felt the burn in my eyes, the need to cry. I take hold of her hand. "You weren't useless, I don't care about heirs, and I love you too. Words can not express my love for you. Please, please, don't go..." I beg to the dragon god, the moon goddess, and to my mate.





My mate's hand begins to grow cold as her eyes grow empty. I hold her hand close to my mouth and breathe out, trying to warm her hand.

Her heat is leaving! She's dead! She's gone! Please! Please! Stay with me! I need you!

I beg as tears begin to over flow and I cry. I breathe out more, faster, and rugged as I try to warm my mate.

I shake my mate's cold body. "H-hey! W-wake up! This isn't funny! D-Don't joke!" I whimper in denial.
Roselina's POV

As my heart slows, I close my eyes. I feel my body go cold, then I feel myself being shaken by my mate, but I don't wake up.

I wonder if I'll ever wake up... Until then...
DONT STOP READING, PLEASE! IT'S NOT OVER I PROMISE! I know you'll probably be mad at me for doing this, but it had to be done.
~Tomoko Rockbell

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