Roselina's POV
I can't believe my mother is here... How is she even eggnant?! The moon goddess an dragon god blessed me, but why her? I hope these 24 hours are up soon...
I go to sleep on a block of ice. Don't judge me, it feels great.
~22 and a half hours later~
Wow. I slept a lot... Must be because I'm eggnant... I'm hungry... I get up and go to the table of food. Great... It's all cold things...
Hey... Where's mom? I look around for her so she doesn't beat me more, but she's no where to be seen. Maybe she's in the bathroom...
I sigh and go to lay down again when, BAM! My mother jumps out with a knife. Before I can do anything, she pins me to the ground with the knife against my throat.
"Lookie here, bitch. Like your present? I've been waiting to do this for so long~" She purred.
Oh goddess! help! I'm going to die! No one comes. No can hear me.
The bitch that is my mother stabs me in the stomach. "NO! MY EGGS!" She laughs a wicked laugh and a hole is cut into the ceiling. A rope descends from the hole and my mother grabs onto it. She is lifted out of the room.
I scream and howl in pain as I bleed out. I can't contact Gadjeel because of the pain I'm in, but I bet he can feel it...
I am a horrible mother and queen... My pups died before they were born... Gadjeel got a horrible mate... I'm sorry... I black out from loss of blood.
At first, I'm surrounded by blackness, then, a blinding white light fills the room. When my vision returned from the brightness, I see a beautiful woman. She has long flowing silver hair, amazing silver eyes, and she's wearing the most amazing black dress ever. It has a lovely moon on her right breast and stars surrounding it. It looked as though it was the actual galaxy.
Beside the woman, was a strange man. He was handsome, yet... Scary. He had slitted eyes that were green, gold scales, and short spiky red hair, like Gadjeel's. He wore an amazingly expensive robe that had all kinds of pretty designs on it.
I looked at the two of them, and they looked pissed. I had to admit, I was terrified. I didn't know they were, but I felt like I should bow. I kneeled before them and, for no reason, said, "I'm sorry..."
The man growled and the woman sighed. "Lift you head. You do not need to bow as of now." The woman gently commanded. I slowly got up, but didn't look up at them. "Look at us." She said in a calm voice.
I looked and she was smiling, while he was glaring. "Your pups are dead..."
I whimpered. "I know... I am sorry..." Their voices sound familiar...
"Of course our voices are familiar, sweetie. It is us. The Moon Goddess and the Dragon God."
I gasped. "I-Im sorry! I didn't recognize you..."
"It's fine." The Dragon God grunted.
"We know that it wasn't your fault that your pups perished. Your mother's mate was killed, then she killed a dragon's mate. We never really liked your mother. Anyway, she went mad. She has fooled herself to believe that she is mated to a dragon." The Moon Goddess sighed. "She thinks she's pregnant with a dragon's child because she stole that sweet doctor's womb and replaced her own with it."
"I... Doctor angel can't have children?"
"No, sadly she can not, but she does have a child now. One of my wolves, and I am sorry brother, killed the parents of a poor dragon." She smiled sadly.
The Dragon God growled. "It's not your fault. Our creations are out of control."
She sighed. "Yes... They are..."
"Er... Moon Goddess, Dragon god, why am I here?"
"... We want you to meet someone."
"Two someones, sister."
She chuckled. "Yes two someones."
I blink. "Er... Who?"
"Your pups."
My eyes widen. "M-my pups? But how?!"
"We don't think it's fair to you that you deranged mother killed them."
"So, we have temporarily made them each 16 so you can talk to them."
"And we will place them back into your womb and make it so they weren't stabbed."
"You'll still be stabbed, but they'll be fine."
I turned around to see two people, twins. One male, one female. They both have blonde hair with red streaks. The blonde is from me and the red is obviously from Gadjeel... If they're our pups.
"I-I... Are you... My pups? Er... Uh..."
"Yes." They chuckled together. "Mom. We are your pups."
I blush slightly. "Ok... I... I'm sorry that your uh... Grandmother... Aborted you..." I sighed.
"It's fine. We love you mom."
"Yeah!" They both hugged me tightly. Wow... They're both bigger than me... Great.
"The Twin creators are still letting us be born. We're fine."
"Yeah... You did you're best."
"... I should know you're names because you're my children... But I don't. I'm sorry..."
They giggled. "Well mom, that's up to you."
"Yep. You ARE our mother, you name us."
"O-oh... Any names you like?"
"Hmmm... How about... Lucy?"
"And I like the name Natsu."
"Natsu and Lucy? Ok... I guess."
They chuckled again. "Go back to earth mom."
"Dad is very worried."
"Yes," The Moon Goddess spoke. "You have been asleep for awhile."
"How long?!" No! What if Gadjeel hurt himself?! Or what if he doesn't love me anymore?!
"About three days." The Dragon God growled. "My creation, Gadjeel, is going mad without you. You'd better get back before I destroy you!" He snarled.
I jumped and trembled. "I-I-I'm sorry!" I quickly bowed.
Both my children and the Moon Goddess growled at him. "You will not hurt her!" They roared.
He growled with annoyance, but apologized bitterly. "I'm just worried about my creation."
I nodded. "Don't worry! I'll go back to him and help him!" He nodded and we all said our goodbyes.
Wow... Like this chapter? Sorry it's taking me so long to update, but schools finally out! Yay! Please and thank you all for your support and your attention. I love you all.
~Tomoko Rockbell

My Dragon Mate
WerewolfDragons and werewolves hate each other. Dragon will kill any wolf they see. The reason for this, is that the dragon god and moon goddess hate each other. But what if... What if the dragon god and moon goddess decided to mate a wolf and a dragon? Th...