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Roselina's POV

A man came rushing out of the woods. "King! I smell a... Wolf!" He pointed to me then growled. I froze in fear as he got ready to kill me.

My mate, who's name I still have yet to learn, jumped in front of me. "I know. She's my mate and your future queen." He growled through gritted teeth.

The man, who I'm now assuming is a guard, froze and paled a bit. He bowed. "I-I'm terribly sorry, King, Queen!" He was trembling slightly, that makes two of us.

"P-please... Call me Roselina..." I said, peering at him from behind my mate. He gave me a confused look and looked at my mate.

He looked at me and smiled. "Roselina..." Goddess! the way my name rolled off his tongue! "I love it. It's perfect, like you."

I swear, I could've melted. "Uh... W-what's your name?"

He looked shocked. "I didn't give it?" I shook my head. "Gadjeel." He smiled at me.

I nodded. "I love it... Like you." I gave him a weak smile. Bad move. Because right after I had said that, he had me pinned to a tree.

"God that was sexy." He said in a deep, yet strained voice. His eyes were switching in between his normal red color and yellow. I knew then that he was fighting his dragon. "I love you too, mate, so so much. I have been looking for you so long..." I could see and hear the sorrow and loneliness in his voice and eyes.

I whimpered and slowly got on my tippy toes, leaning into his face. I gently pressed my lips to his. I have to admit, expected him to lose control and force his tongue down my throat, or force to mate with him right then and there. Not that I don't want to mate with him, it's what I was meant to do, I just thought it was too early.

He didn't so any of that stuff though, he just wrapped his arms around my waist and slowly pulled my body to his. The kiss wasn't that long, or that rough. It was short and sweet.

I smiled up at him. "I love you."

"I love you more." He cooed, picking me up bridal style. I squeaked and wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled. It sent tingles down my spine.

He carried me all the way to his HUGE castle. This thing was bigger than the titanic! It looked to be a hundred stories tall! My jaw was on the ground I was so shocked and amazed.

He chuckled loudly. "Y-your castle is huge..."

He growled. "Our castle you mean." I just nodded, still in shock. "I'm glad you like it." He carried me over the huge drawl bridge that went over his moat.

Everyone gave us confused looks. I don't blame them. If I was a dragon, and my king carried a wolf, our natural enemy, I'd be confused too.

He ignored them and carried me straight to his room. It was huge too! it was a deep blue color(royal blue I think) and had a huge widow that over looked the forest on one side of it.

His bed was king sized, no surprise there, and also in blue. The sheets were a lighter blue though...

He laid me down on it and climbed on top of me. "Let's have sex. I want to mate you so badly it hurts."

I blushed deeply and squeaked. "D-Don't you think it's a little too early?" I rushed out. His eyes were yellow now, his dragon was in control.

"No. I think I didn't mate you quick enough." His voice was deeper.

Shiiiiiiit! Why me?! "U-uh.... I-I'm n-not ready yet!" I squeaked and cover my face.

I heard him sigh. "Of course your aren't. Even if we're mates, I still just met you... I'm sorry for trying to rush you." He got off of me.

I uncovered my face and looked at him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. I sat up and crept towards him.

"H-hey... It's ok..." I sat next to him and pulled away his hands. He looked at me, regret and sorrow in his eyes.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't wait or control my dragon... Please don't be mad or leave me..." His voice was weak and strained, almost a whisper.

I crawled into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm not mad and I'll never leave you." I kissed him and sat my head on his chest. He held me in his warm arms and I felt myself drift off into sleep...

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