Chapter 7

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Sarah's POV

And I hit search. It was 2 am, and I was here in my bedroom sitting right in front of my MacBook. I walked to the balcony, to view the starry night. The stars shone brightly, just like my hopes. The sky was dark, just like my dream. The environment, quiet, just like my life. I missed being the old me, always. And so much has changed since that incident.

It's like you can feel yourself drowning in water, but you can't move. You're tied. You can't help yourself. You just have to go with the flow, waiting for just a miracle, just that ray of hope, to save you. But the catch? You know that ray of hope, that miracle, is itself struggling for an identity.

At morning I hurried up. It was Saturday so no work to do. Instead I took an appointment to meet my counsellor. You must be wondering why I would meet a counsellor? Why would I need to go see someone specialized to give me an insight of how to deal with the happenings in life? But, are having regular nightmares normal? Is getting stressed out about an incident in the past normal? No. But it isn't a sign of being a mentally retarded person either. I am not mad, but I'm just disturbed...about...

"Ms. Sarah Evans?" the nurse called out to me.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Ms. Collins would be seeing you now"
I nodded and headed towards Ms. Collins' cabin.

The therapy was rejuvenating. I was not only refreshed but all the unnecessary thoughts too were discarded. I felt like I was reborn.

I went to the nearby mall. As I entered the Northgate mall, I could feel all the familiar smells, memories hitting my senses. However, it didn't stop me, and I started with my shopping session. Afterall, London trip was just round the corner.

I entered the H&M store, and instantly i felt a pang of sadness. People were so happy, they looked happy. Or were they just like me pretending? Nevermind, i went further in, and could see many different collections. I started picking up dresses.

When I finally completed, I payed at the counter and turned to leave, but instead banged into someone.

"Hey Sarah! How you doin'?" she greeted warmly.
It was Mia. Mia Rodriguez, a friend. Her green eyes sparkled with genuine joy, and her lips curved up in a wide smile. Oh she was genuinely happy to see me. But I wasn't. I had cut ties with everyone since that incident.
"I'm doing well Mia. How are you? Long time!" I smiled warmly and greeted her too. "I'm doing great. By the way tell me how is..." "Uhh I got to to go Mia, I'll see you soon sometime" I cut her mid sentence, and left, as fast as I could, as far as my legs could take me.

I somehow managed to tackle her but it was becoming challenging every day. I couldn't shut people up, cut them mid conversation for eternity.

And this maddened me every single moment. What if I come across, what if I bump into a person who knows a lot about me, who knows my past? What will I do then? Will I be able to tackle them? The questions I asked myself everyday.

Helllooooo! How are you all! Just to inform you my exams were amazingggg😊
Thank you so much for your patience and waiting for this update. Means so much to me. I want you to know you are all great!
Love y'all!❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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