Chapter 14

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Eric's POV
I could faintly smell her the sun was now fully up and I was just hoping she found somewhere safe I needed to get her a daylight ring. I sped off following her scent until I came to a farm, there were dead body's scattered everywhere. she had lost control and killed every last one of them. I was scared to find out what state she would be in when I find her as that thought crossed my mind I heard noises coming from the barn. I sped to the door an crept in, the same 3 guys from the portal were standing around and they had Crystal. She was unconscious on the floor infront of them while they were gathered round saying the most vile things about her. My blood boiled I could not contain my anger any longer, I swiftly sped around them taking out 2 of them without being seen. Their body's dropped to the floor hearts lying a few feet away. The last guy tried so show confidence but I could sense the fear oozing from him. "Show yourself I'm sure the boss wouldn't mind me killing you too." I walked out from the shadows with my fangs out ready to tear his throat out, he had absolutely no chance of getting out of this barn alive. I knew that taking him for information about what Lord Vaskar's plans were would be helpful but I was way to angry to let him live any longer than he had to, with that I ripped his head off.
I ran to Crystal lifting her up into my arms she looked absolutely beautiful even if she was full off vervain. I slowly started to calm down having her close to me, I took out my phone and rang Alex and told him to bring a daylight pod to the human realm so we could get Crystal back to the mansion before she wakes.

Alex POV
I was relieved to hear that Eric had found Crystal but he sounded colder than usual and as his brother I know there's something else going on I just hope he tells me.
I got the daylight pod ready and in a van and drove to Eric as fast as I could. By the time I got there I found Eric with a pile of body's and starting a huge bonfire. "What the fuck happened here and where's Crystal?" I said to Eric. Eric sighed and walked over to me "Long story short Crytstal lost control around the humans killed them all, then some of Lord Vaskar's men vervained her. Lucky I found her in time, I disposed of them and Crystal is currently in the barn unconscious still so get the pod in the load her up and get us home." Eric was clearly in a bad mood so I just nodded and did as he said. He had walked off to carry on burning the body's and I went into the barn to get Crystal. I found her lying there in some hay I couldn't help but smile, I tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear and lifted her up. She was mesmerising I could stare at her face forever and she would still be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I carefully lay her into the pod kissed her forehead and closed the lid.

Eric's POV
Finally we arrived home and Lana came running over to us "please tell me Crystals okay?" She said with concern. I almost smiled at Lana she cared a great deal about Crystal witch gave me comfort to know even if she still hates me and doesn't want me near her than she will always have Lana to look out for her. "Yes she is okay you can take her up to her room I will get someone to send some blood bags up but make sure she goes steady she not long had a large meal and might not be herself." Lana ran off to catch my servants carrying the pod with her inside. I decided to go to my room and have a hot shower to get rid off all that dead body bonfire smell.
While I was in the shower all I could think about was Crystal like I never thought I would ever have been this obsessed with a woman but she drives me insane I need to be with her, close to her and to never let her go. Yet at the same time I was so worried about being with her incase she hated me still and wanted me to stay away.

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