Chapter 5

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I'm starting to think Eric is batshit crazy, hes running around like a child on Christmas day. "I knew it I knew you were her and how I have the proof the princess has returned." "Calm down, what proof! what are you going on about!" "Chill out stress head I have in my hands proof that you are the lost Princess Evelyn DeMontford you have returned and are fully back to your vampire self and have powers stronger than anything in this universe. I have been trying to search for you ever since I was old enough to understand, my full name is Prince Eric of the north isles but just Eric is fine." "let me see that!" I snatched the booklet out of Eric's hands and started flicking through I dropped to the floor, everything was just to fast to process everything felt like a lie. My eyes turned black the sky went dark thunder and lightening surrounded the mansion and the ground started shaking. Eric's face dropped he fell to the floor grabbed the booklet out of my hands and wrapped his arms around me. My eyes were stinging I broke down crying into Eric's neck, "what is happening" I screamed. "its your powers they are partly triggered by emotion and you being upset is causing your powers to take control"  he sat and comforted me until just before dawn arrived, I finally calmed down and drifted off to sleep. He scooped me up into his big strong arms and lay me on the bed "you need to get your rest now, tomorrow we will start your training so you can go and venture outside" he kissed me on the forehead and turned around to walk out.  I stirred in my sleep "Eric" I whispered "yes my princess?" "can you stay with me for a while longer?" "Yes anything for you." He lay on the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck. Even though I didn't know Eric well I felt a comfort when I was with him. My eyes started to close as I drifted off to sleep.

As the moon rose into the sky and darkness fell I woke up to realise Eric must have left after I fell asleep. Just then there was a knock at the door an in walked the butler from last night, "sorry to disturb you Madame but master told me to tell you to get ready for training he will be here in twenty minutes to collect you. I walked over to the bathroom turned on the tap and washed my face the cool water soothed my skin and my puffy eyes from all the crying last night. As I finished freshening up I headed back into the bedroom to find a nice neat pile of clothes on the bed. I walked over to the bed and picked up the clothes, their was a pair of black leggings and a grey sports bra. It was definitely not the type of clothes I was used to wearing. If I wore anything that showed to much flesh I would be sent straight back upstairs to change, so after a while my wardrobe only consisted of long sleeve/boring clothes. My mind started to wander and I starting thinking about my parents well if I could even all them that. I wonder what happened to my real mum I wonder if Eric knew her or knows where she is. just then I heard a knock at the door. "Are you ready yet?" said Eric "hang on a minute i'm just getting dressed" I started hopping around the room throwing on my clothes, finally I was dressed I opened the door Eric was standing there I felt his eyes take in every inch of my body, I felt my cheeks turning red I wrapped my arms around my body, Eric grabbed my wrist "no need to do that you look absolutely perfect" I smiled. Eric lead us down corridors they all seemed to look the same. we finally got to the bottom floor and into a kitchen that had to glass off blood left on the counter. We sat down and drank our blood, "Eric can I ask you a question?" I said in a whisper of a voice "of course you can" Eric replied. "Why do you have a whole room full of girls clothes who's are they?" Eric looked at me with a plain face "well I have been searching for you for years and I hoped one day I would find you and bring you home so I bought everything I could think of that you would need." Eric looked at me with big puppy eyes. He was absolutely gorgeous I thought to myself. Crystal you need to snap out of it an sort out the mess your life has become not fantasize about crazy vampires. "Thank you, everything is lovely i'm just not sure I will ever get used to all of this my life was so different." "Its okay, come on lets go out into the garden and start your training" Eric grabbed my hand and led me outside. It was absolutely gorgeous outside the way the moonlight danced in the air and shone off everything it touched. It was like a dream I felt like everything that had happened was gone and all my troubles had lifted off my shoulders.

"In training you will learn how to use your speed and agility, how to control your thirst and how to use and control your powers. At the moment you will be able to use your powers when your in a situation where your in danger and it becomes a natural reaction. by the end of your training sessions you should be able to use your powers at will and the usual vampire stuff like speed and mind control." "We can control minds!" I said shocked. "yes, that's a good place to start it only works on humans if we hold their gaze we can basically control everything they do or say and we can also make them forget" Eric then turned to face a man standing by the door "Hodgekins can you come over here." "Yes master" the butler scuttled over to us in an instant "what can I do for you sir?" Eric turned to face me "you are going to practice mind control on Hodgekins here." "Erm okay" I said in a uneasy tone. "Just look straight into his eyes until you feel a connection an tell him exactly what you want him to do." I turned to look at the butler he seemed so calm and trusting, i'm not sure how, I would be terrified he must have worked he for years. I caught his gaze after a few seconds of looking into his eyes the connection I felt made my brain go all warm and fuzzy and my eyes turned a deep red. "Do a funny dance." Hodgekins started dancing about I laughed that much the connection broke and Hodgekins was left pretty confused. "Good work normally it takes about a week to learn that but you have picked it up straight away for baby vamp." Eric smiled at me. His smile seemed to make my legs go weak it was so warm and loving for someone that looked so cold. "Im starting to get thirsty" I said as my fangs popped out. Eric turned to the butler, "Hodgekins go and fetch Nadia quickly." The butler quickly scuttled off and a moment later returned with a girl with long dark hair and dark brown eyes. she sat down on one of the garden walls. "This is Nadia she is human she is here to let you drink from her." The thought of drinking from another living person made my stomach turn my face dropped in horror to the thought of me biting someone else. Nadia looked up at me and noticed the worried look on my face. "Its okay I don't mind." She held out her wrist to me. I convulsed at the thought of biting someone I could get used to drinking from a glass but a living person made me shiver. "But what if I can't stop" Eric looked at me "Just listen out for her heartbeat when it slows you stop, try think of something repulsive to help stop." I nervously took hold of Nadia's arm she gave me a comforting smile, I closed my eyes and bit into her wrist, my burning throat was being soothed it was the best thing I had ever tasted. I had completely forgot that I had my teeth sunk into some girls wrist. I heard Eric's voice snap me out of my trance and I remembered to Listen to her heartbeat I could finally hear it slow. I thought of nails scratching a chalk board and sent my body into shivers my fangs retracted and I felt really strong and revitalized. Hodgekins took Nadia back inside, "You have done well tonight you have mastered mind control and drinking fresh and controlling the amount. Tomorrow you will learn to control your thirst and to be around humans without draining them dry, also we will work on your speed and agility now its time you go and get some rest before dawn and we will start again tomorrow night."

On my way back to my room I was trying to navigate the halls and trying to see anything I could remember. About twenty minutes later I finally found it I opened the door an walked inside there was a note and a box on the bed. I walked over and picked up the note.'Night clothes for the princess' I opened up the box to find black stockings, a small black lace vest with a white fur trim. I went into the bathroom to wash up and put on my new 'pjs' if you could call them that. I stood infront of the bathroom mirror and looked  at myself, It had been a while since I stopped and looked at everything. The pudge on my belly seemed to have gone my boobs were bigger my hair was longer and healthier my skin had cleared up an had a soft white glow to it I seemed flawless, I almost felt kinda sexy. I walked back into the bedroom 'Knock Knock' The door creaked open and before I could dive under the covers Eric walked in. His jaw dropped and cheeks went red "I knew it would suit you." "You picked this out?" Eric walked towards me his bright green eyes gazing into mine my legs went weak every time he took a sleep closer to me I heat up and can't control myself around him. I couldn't take how close he was to me my body was going completely against me I started to back up until I felt a thump an backed into a wall. He carried on walking towards me and pushed himself against me, he was like a brick wall. He put a hand either side of my head to block me in he was looking at me like I was a meal. I quickly got myself to snap out of it an pushed him away, "I'm tired an I think you should leave so I can rest" Eric looked at me stunned like he didn't know what just happened and in a blink he had left the room. I took a deep great an got into bed all night I couldn't sleep all I could think about was Eric an the way he made me feel but I couldn't like him I had been taken away from everyone I loved because of him and he thinks I can suddenly change my life an leave everyone an everything behind. I was only getting this training over an done with so I can go back home I have no plan on staying here with him or having anything to do with his weird princess fantasy.

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