38) Osprey

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Scientific name: Pandion haliaetus

Weight: 3.3 lbs Length: 20.5-23.6 in Wingspan: 4.9-5.6 ft

Diet: Fish, amphibians, small mammals, reptiles, 

Lives: North America especially Alaska and Canada; near fresh and saltwater, swamps, lakes, rivers, marshes, estuaries, coast,

Chicks: 2-4

The Osprey is a Bird of Prey and often or not a Bald Eagle will steal an Osprey's meal. Osprey has great eyesight enabling them to see fish from a 100ft from the air. Osprey is also called a Fish Hawk. Like most birds, the males and females will take turns of catching the fish to feed their chicks. An Osprey strong toes have spiny growths on it that enables to grip slippery prey with ease. Osprey is known worldwide, excluding South America. At 8 to 10 weeks old, chicks or fledglings start to fly.

 At 8 to 10 weeks old, chicks or fledglings start to fly

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