106) Bottle-nosed Dolphin

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Scientific name: Tursiops truncatus

Weight: 331-441lbs Total Length: 10 ¼ ft

Diet: Fish,

Lives: Worldwide cool to warm seas,

Calf: 1

Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures. Mating usually happens during the spring which females give birth 10-12 months later. Like elephants and whales, the other females will help the new mother while and after she has given birth. Along with aiding the mother during her delivery, the females will protect the mother and calf from sharks, who are attracted to the blood from the delivery. The calf will at least be nursed for 16 months. When a Dolphin is injured or sick, the others will aid the sick and injury by guiding it to the surface so it can breathe. While sleeping; females will lie just below the surface with their blowhole exposed and males sleep near the surface and will rise to the surface when they need to breathe, known as a reflex action. For feeding methods and social groups, the Bottlenosed Dolphin will have a range of ways for communicating, such as sounds, water-slaps, calls, and leaps.

 For feeding methods and social groups, the Bottlenosed Dolphin will have a range of ways for communicating, such as sounds, water-slaps, calls, and leaps

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