*A few weeks later*
Shawn is still in hospital but he's awake now. It breaks my heart knowing that every single day until he's discharged, he'll be in here by himself with no one. Shawn then said "Princess, I missed you and I never let go. There was a moment where I wanted to go but I just couldn't leave you.", Tears were brought to my by Shawn said. I then said "I'm glad that you didn't let go." I then said "I love you Shawnie." Shawn then said "I love you too Princess." We kissed and then talked for a long time. Eventually, visiting hours were over but because I'm now his Girlfriend and Future Queen, they let me stay a bit longer. At 9pm, I left and went home. My Mum said "How is he?" I then said "Mum, he's fine." My Dad then said "We would've gone and seen him earlier but we were busy planning your 18th birthday." I then said "That's fine, I told him that you sent your love." I then went up to my room and listened to music and went on Instagram. I then got a text from my ex-boyfriend Jamie. We're now friends.

From Jamie 🎶:
Hey El, I heard what happened and I'm sorry. I'm always here if you need me.
Jamie 🎶:
Hey Jamie, Thank you. You should come down and we should hang out again.
From James 🎶:
Yeah, sure. Be right over (Catching next flight)
Jamie 🎶:

I can't wait to see Jamie again. Last time I saw him was on my last day in England.

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