Chapter 3

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I came home and as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light. I didn't plan to take a nap, but sleep just over came me.

It started out with me dancing in one of the quite studio rooms. I was by myself with my head phones in. I never heard anyone open the door or walk up behind me, but he was there watching my every move and caculating me.

I didn't feel pressured at all by his scrutiny, but I was still being pestered by my thoughts of why he was there.

I stopped and stood where I was on the floor, my back facing him, as he walked up behind me. I felt his hands wrap around my waist as he trailed kisses up and down my neck.

He slowly turned me around putting an inch between our lips as he whispered, your mine, with his breath tickling me. He put his hands on both sides of my face crashing my lips to his and letting his tongue slide across my bottom lip asking for entrance. As I grant him access I feel my whole body shiver at his contact and him deepening the kiss, making my toes curl.

I let a muffled moan escape my lips as I'm in complete and utter ecstasy.

His left hand graze from my neck down to my left boob kneading it and twisting my nipple making it pucker more. I hear myself muffle a few more moans and at this he walks me back up against the wall and starts kneading my right boob.

As I moan again he breaks our heated kiss and trails kisses down my neck taking my tank and sports bra off getting better access to my boobs. He restarts trailing kisses down my neck to my boobs, sucking and nibbling on my nipple.

While his right hand is rubbing my core through my leggings. I feel myself heat up at his quick touch as he goes in circles and then rubs my lips and back to rubbing circles on my nub. I can feel my wetness leaking through as he keeps a smooth rhythm only going faster agonizingly slowly.

He somehow gets his hand inside my leggings, without me noticing, because the next thing I feel is his finger pumping in and out of me all while still rubbing my nub. I start to moan louder as he barely whispers how tight I am.

I can't take anymore as I feel myself tingle all over, moaning his name, and my body shake to the cord of his still pumping fingers making it last all that much longer.

I'm coming down from my high as I feel him kiss me once more as I jerk up out of bed.

I'm soaked with sweat and still feel a slight tingle as I try to shake off my daze that I'm still in.

I notice it's dark outside and decide to hop in the shower really quick before I go to see if Maria has made it back from work.

Maria is setting on the couch when I walk into the living room watching the news. She smirks at me before saying, "You are a very loud sleeper. I went to go check if you were ok and you kept moaning. It just kept getting louder and then finally stopped."

I blush profusely, not knowing what to say. I just walk into the kitchen to get some water and say, "I have no clue what your talking about I don't even remember my dream."

"I'm sure, it's funny that you moaned Tom's name in your sleep." She states with a smirked plastered on her face.

I could of swore I turned a deep crimson as I feel my cheeks heat up at this revaluation.

"No, I don't know what your talking about." I try to convince her, but it's of no use as she is giggling at my expense.

She is laughing so hard she starts to snort. Jeez girl it's not that funny. I still can't believe she heard me. I can't have anymore wet dreams. My embarrassment is going to be the death of me.

I'm about to get up and just go back to bed, but I hear her say, "Leah... stop... I'm... not... trying to... embarrass you, but... that look... on your face..." She says in between giggles.

I just shake my head at her knowing she's only laughing, because I get way too embarrassed at these things considering I am still a virgin.

I set back down with her and when she finally gets all the laughing out of her system, I ask, "Do you like your new job?"

"Oh yes I was planning on telling you earlier, but when I got here you were asleep." She giggles.

"What were you planning on telling me?" I question her.

"Well, there's this guy that I work with he is extremely gorgeous. He glances at me every so often, but hasn't said anything to me yet. I hoping to change that by the end of next week." She finishes with dream lust filled eyes.

I smile at her, this time it's my turn to be blunt with her as I say, "Are you sure you want to have a personal relationship with one of your coworkers that has been working there longer than you? You don't need to spoil your great new job by involving a man into the situation."

"I know, I know. I wasn't planning on dating him or doing anything with him just yet. At least not until I've established my own spot their, but his eyes are so captivating that I want to be able to start a conversation with him, without feeling the want and need for him as I do now while only looking into his eyes." She states.

"I understand what you mean, but won't it make it worse if you interact with him? I mean I by no means need nor want a man right now, but my body is telling me different and giving me all kinds of weird signals." I try to reason with her and myself.

We talk about men for a little while longer, then move onto how much we miss our friends and family back in Birmingham, Alabama. We make an agreement that we will Skype them all this weekend to check in and let them know how we are doing.

Euphoria ~Tom HardyWhere stories live. Discover now