Chapter 8

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I smile as he tells me how much he cares and worries about me. It's funny to think that just the beginning of this last week I couldn't stand him, but I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

I look into his eyes and say, "I would love that and yes I think we should take things slow and easy. It'll be much easier for us to get to know each other." I finish as I smile shyly at him.

"I love your smile Leah. How about this, let me take you to dinner tonight." He told me more than asked. I just shook my head as conformation.

I watched as he got up and looked around the room while pacing back and forth. When he stopped, he looked at me smiling and said, "Take a quick shower and put on a sun dress. I have somewhere special I want to show you. I'll be waiting for you in the living room." And with that he walked out of the room.

I just smirked at his backside with his shorts riding low on his hips making me shiver. I stand up to find my sun dress and underwear and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

When I finish drying myself I put on my creamy white sun dress, with some sparkly sandals, I let my strawberry blonde hair air dry for natural curls, I put some eye liner and mascara on, and pink lip gloss on to make my lips more plump.

As I walk into my bedroom I see Tom lay a serving plate on my bed as I smell the aroma of freshly cut strawberries and fluffy pancakes.

He looks up at me with his eyes sparkling and a wide smile plastered on his face, "I'm going to take a quick shower here, if that's ok, as you eat breakfast and then we'll leave." He pecks me on the cheek and walks into my bathroom.

I just shake my head and inhale the aroma of the delicious food he perpared for me. I'm just about halfway done with my food when Maria walks in.

"Hey girl, I thought I smelt food, you better be sharing. I know you didn't make that all for yourself." She says laughing as she walks towards me.

"Well, I actually didn't make it." I say with a mouth full as she gives me a funny look of confusion and then remembers that Tom is still here.

"Oh my jeez, Leah. What happened? What did you do? Wait, where is Tom at? He wasn't in the kitchen when I went in there." She throws all these questions at me, just as Tom walks out of the bathroom. With a towel hugging his hips lowly showing off his v lines making there way down to his cock. I shiver at just the thought.

Her eyes bug out, he stops in his tracks, and I still have my mouth hanging open trying to take another bite of deliciousness. I stop and just burst out laughing at all the awkwardness. They both turn to me and just stare at me like I've lost my mind.

I just shrug and keep eating. Tom walks back into the bathroom, I'm assuming feeling a little awkward with Maria being in the room, but Maria just shrugs and takes my fork.

"Hey, what the hell Maria?" I say annoyed at her now.

"I said you got to share, your not keeping all this deliciousness to yourself. Jeez don't be selfish Leah." She says in between bites as she finishes the rest of it.

I just give her the evil eye and walk out of the room to the kitchen for some coffee. I hear her footsteps behind me with the fork clinking on the plate.

"So.... where are you two heading off too?" She eyes me questionly.

"I don't know for sure, he hasn't told me yet, but he did tell me it was somewhere special." I giggle as I set down at the kitchen table, with my warm cup of coffee.

Maria puts both of her hands on her forehead as she gets a serious look on her face and says, "Leah just please promise me you'll be careful. You don't want to hurt yourself or let him hurt you. I love that your happy, but I'm also worried that your going to fall for him and he's going to break your heart."

"Maria we're taking it slow. I'm fine, I promise. We talked about it this morning and cleared up the main parts and for now we are just getting to know each other, ok." I finish as Tom walks into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for himself.

He cleared his throat as he turned around and leaned up against the counter, "I will promise both of you, Leah and Maria, that I am not here to break Leah's heart. I genuinely want to get to know you, I've liked you from the first moment I saw you. I know my past, even though neither of you really know me, may not be the best, but I promise that I will not be the player I use to be and that I will not hurt you."

"I very much hope so, because like I said before, you hurt her, I will not hesitate to cut your dick and balls off with a pair of garden clippers. Even if you are a good cook, it won't change how much I will protect Leah." Maria says with as much conviction and love in her voice as she can muster.

"Awe girl, I love you too and I would so do the same. Nothing and no one can come between us." I stand up to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I know you would Leah, I just want to make sure he knows as well." She tells me as she hugs me back.

"Maria, I promise that she is in great hands. Now, Leah, are you ready to have an amazing Sunday that you'll never forget?"

I shake my head yes and smile up at him as Maria asks, "Where are you taking her?"

"To a very special place that is very close to my heart." He tells her as he looks at me with adoration, as we walk out of the apartment.

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