Chapter 4

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It's Friday, which means only three more days until I start my new job and Maria has the weekend off, woohoo.

We planned a girls weekend which includes wine, sweatpants, facials, nails, no going out, and no men, talking to or thinking about them.

Maria gets off at 5 p.m. tonight, so I'm at the shopping center getting everything we need for this weekend.

I'm just mindlessly wondering around gathering our supplies when I accidently bump into someone. I say a quick sorry not even looking up, but I hear a familiar husky voice say, "It's quite alright, Leah."

I'm astonished when I look up to see Tom standing right in front of me. I stand there with my mouth open not knowing what to say or do.

When I see his smirk on his handsome face I shut my mouth and say, "Un hun. You know that smirk really does ruin your features. What are you doing here anyways? Are following me?"

He chuckles with that hearty laugh of his and says, "No actually I'm just in the neighborhood to visit a friend and thought I would pick up a bottle of wine."

I wonder who that could be, most likely a women since he is getting wine. Why do I care anyways, his ego is just spilling out both of his ears. Why can't he just get out of my head, but that probably isn't going to work since I start working with him Monday. My life, just watching this man be a player and have every hoochie hanging off his arm, ugh.

I muster up the sweetest voice I have and say, "Well that's nice. I hope you two have a wonderful night together, but I need to be on my way so of you'll excuse me."

The look of confusion on his face as I move on to the next aisle to finish my shopping it priceless. As soon as I think I'm out of ear shot of him I just start bust up laughing, he looked like I just casted him aside which I'm amusing no one has ever done that to him.

I abruptly stop laughing as soon as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I feel the heat rise to cheeks as I turn around in embarrassment when I see none other than Tom standing right in front of me.

"I'm sorry, but you didn't let me finish. The friend I came to the neighborhood...."

"Tom look your fine, you don't have to explain anything to me. I don't need to know who your going to hook up with or hang out with." I spit the last part with venom, emphasizing on hook up and hang out.

Tom still stands there in confusion as he once again says, "Leah will you let me finish...."

"No Tom, look it's ok. I won't think any different of...."

"LEAH SHUT THE HELL UP." He says cearly annoyed.

"Now if you'd let me finish I came here to see you. I was just going to tell you when I came to your house, but I seen you walking around here and figured I'd just casually bump into you. I wanted to ask you if you'd go to dinner with me tonight, if your ok with that."

I'm standing there flabbergasted, not knowing what to say. How is this happening, I'm not his type cearly from the women that hang all over him. He probably just wants one date just to see if I'm easy, well not gonna happen mister.

I work up the courage and state, "I'm sorry I don't go on dates with coworkers or men I just met. Besides I already have plans this weekend and it doesn't involve men."

"Leah it's just a date. What could be the worst thing to happen?" He says with the most saddest look in his eyes.

"Well, I'll tell you what could possibly be the worst thing that could happen. I could loose my job, to which I have worked very hard to get. If I do or say something you don't like, that wouldn't be good between us at work and I could loose my job. You could try to get me drunk and take advantage of me, which is not going to happen. And the most important one of all is I'd be breaking the promise I made to my parents when I was little telling them I would work hard, finish high school and college, get my dream job, and make it in this god forsaken place of dump we call our world. Now I really do need to go, as I said before I have plans. I'll see you Monday Tom." Ugh now I'm pissed and really need to relax. He just had to as me why, seriously.

As I finish and start to walk away I see that his jaw is hanging open in bewilderment, at least I got my point across. Now hopefully I can go home and relax and get out of this ugly mood.

I finally have everything I need for Maria and I. I finished checking out and head to my car to drive home. I crank the music hoping that will drown out the memories that are not welcome.

I start to tear up as I hear Tangled Up In You by Aaron Lewis come on. It was my parents wedding song as my mother walked down the aisle to my father. As a child they would sing me that song every night. I still loved that song to this day, but sometimes it was just to hard to handle when I heard.

I'm bawling as I park the car in a parking spot. I hate that I'm so emotional when I still here their song. I miss them both so much. I remember like it was yesterday, they would tuck me into bed and start singing the lyrics to the song.

My mother had a beautiful voice while my father's had a little crackle in it, but it was still beautiful and I loved it.

They were the most wonderful people you would ever meet. They were so loving and caring, everyone loved them as soon as they met them. They loved helping everyone as much as they could.

I can't let them down and I won't, hopefully just hopefully Tom won't ask me another word about any dates.

The next thing I know I'm jumping out of my seat when someone taps on my driver side window. 

Euphoria ~Tom HardyWhere stories live. Discover now