Not Creepy at all

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Matt lied on this bed in his guest room. He turned to the clock. 3:05. He looked to the ceiling completely still his mind running rampantly. What was that? Why was he so awestruck? I mean its only Nate! 

Wait no hold on. No. ok its not just Nate, Nate's an incredible kind and just an amazingly good human being with so much potential and-! there it was again!  Matt hadn't a clue what was going on with him. he felt so energized but flustered at the same time, usually he just felt tired from working. His theorist brain went into action trying to think of a plausible answer...



Now for those of us who don't speak conspiracy theorist and or scientist i'm happy to elaborate. When someone with a mind like Matt's thinks of a solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem, its usually so crazy or out of the ordinary that any normal person wouldn't have even considered it an option. And for good reason. Now in this case "THAT'S IT!" means something very interesting.

"All I have to do is isolate the variable and see if what happened happens again!" Matt thought to himself enthusiastically sitting up in the bed. Once again for anyone that doesn't speak crazy...

...He's gonna go watch Nate sleep. 

- - -

He stepped into the room carefully as the floor boards around this area had a tendency to creek. He seemed so sure of himself despite how odd the situation was. He moved slowly as if there was some sort of wild animal in front of him he needed to get by. Step by step, Inch by inch, he made is way over to the door and with slight guilt opened it quietly. Luckily it didn't make any noise, and Matt stepped onto the carpeted floor, content how wouldn't have to walk so strangely any more.

He stood on his knees as he loomed over Nate's bed, looking the man up and down, not quite sure what to do. He supposed as it was mostly his torso that was exposed he should start there. His heart pounding out of his chest he lifted the shirt carefully moving it up only slightly as not to wake the sleeping beauty, revealing his mid drift. What ever it was Matt was feeling before, it was happening again, and stronger.

"F-fuck," he took a breath. "whats causing this." It wasn't like Matt to swear but due to his current situation it was understandable. His eyes drifted upwards and rested on his lips. Voluminous, yet they looks so soft. Every feature on his face was soft, it almost looked like he'd been lulled to sleep, still no angel was found... except for the one in front of him of course. He just looks so peaceful so gracious, he was so near but so far, almost close enough to-

Matt probably shouldn't have gotten so close. Matt Probably shouldn't have came in Nate's room. Hell Matt probably shouldn't have felt the way he did about someone who he knew felt differently about himself. But he did. The Icarus had flown to close to the sun, and his wings doth burn.

Matt Panicked, snapping out of his lustful gaze and backing away from the other man. He needed to leave, He needed to leave right now. He Picked himself up with Nate only partially awakened from the sudden contact. Not completely sure he was in the clear Matt hurried out only to forget. One. Very. Important. Detail.

Nate's shitty floor.

Matt Startled at the sudden noise and looked back only to see Nate starting to sleepily sit up. 

Oh god. Oh God. Oh God. What'll he do!? What'll he say!?  Matt Frantically looked around for an answer. if he tried to make it to his room he'd make to much noise, but he cant just stand here and look like a total Creep! Then it hit him. Literally. He had stepped back slightly and into the side of the stair railing. Screw it. Hopefully Nate'll be to tired or to unobservant to look away from his destination, where ever that maybe.

He heard Nate getting up and quickly got down trying to lay as flat as possible on the stairs so he'd be less likely to see him or suspect anything out of the ordinary. The obsidian haired man opened the door eyes squinted as he attempted to see through the darkness, and went into the bathroom next to to stairs. 

The sigh of relief that came from the small theorist was incomparable. That was absolutely horrifying. One of the Worst experience hes ever had the misfortune of being part of.  He heard water starting to run and began to make his way back through the hall, apparently Matt had learned nothing from his previously averted problem as he peaked into the room wondering why Nate wouldn't of closed it all the way, then again it was three in the morning, but still. 

Once again his heart started pounding in his ears, Matt was starting to wonder how it was still beating after all that but none the less, there it was. Nate had removed his shirt and was starting to remove his Pants as well. In all honesty they did a good job defining his butt but they were nothing compared to what the underneath did. Nate wore a pair of grey boxer shorts the left nothing to the imagination. Well at least on that side anyways. 

Matt Turned and started to crawl away fearing that might have- No defiantly was to much and went back to his room feeling he needed to re-evaluate his problem.

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