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"Are you still willing to fight for her, even though she left you son?" Bill asked Will.

"Yes, father I love her and we don't give up on the people we love don't we" Will said.

"I know son but she's a goddess. I guess she has moved on from you, I don't want you to get your heartbroken again" Bill mumbled.

"My heart is broken from before father. How more broken can it get? Let her be the death of me, if she wants it that way" Will said.

"You love her too deep Will" Bill looked at Will.

"I love her more than life itself and when I breath my last on her lap that night, she gave me her immortality to save my life and I had to give it back to her father. Even if she don't want to see my face" Will gasped.

"She saved your life for a reason son, because she loved you but leaving you in the end.....I don't know what's the reason behind that" Bill murmured.

"We will soon find that out, we are going to Bermuda aren't we?" Will smirked as he looked at his father.


There were only a few ships that could enter Bermuda and not collapse and the Dutchmen was one of them. As Will entered Bermuda he saw that it was a very dark place, without light and the sea looked dark maybe it's because there was no sunlight or maybe the water was dark he didn't know. It was foggy and stormy and no view could be seen around except the fogs. Bill knew the way to the castle of Hades where Athena and Poseidon were now staying so, he guided Will to the castle. As they reached the foot of the stone castle it stood tall rising from the sea to the top of the Rocky Mountain. There were hundreds of windows but Will could see no entrance. Until Bill showed him a secret doorway through the waterfall.

"Don't worry son, you can step on this land as they are cursed" Bill said looking at Will. Will got down from the Dutchmen and walked into the long tunnel that lead to the castle. It was dark and dim lighted as he walked out of the tunnel into a big empty space there was the big castle door made of iron and it was well lighted with fire. "Didn't expect to see you here" Nor said as he walked up to Will.

"Am I glad, to see you Nor" Will said.

"And I'm glad as well" Nor smirked "I heard a lot about you, your adventures and you being the captain of the Dutchmen" Nor chuckled.

"News do fly fast don't they?" Will smirked.

"Yes, it does my man and I can see you have changed a bit. I bet because your immortal or is it because you are a captain now you look better" Nor gave a light smirk and chuckled.

"Maybe both" Will grinned "the lady how is she?" He asked.

"She's well my friend but she never left the castle, after she left you that day" Nor said.

"Really?" Will murmured "can I see her?" He asked.

"Sure you can, I was waiting for this day when you would show up somehow and take her away from this place forever. She have grown cold without you Will" Nor said.

"I'll take her away from here, you have my word" Will said as he walked into the castle. Nor hoped Will could persuade Athena, Bermuda was not a place for her and Will was in luck as both Hades and Poseidon were not in Bermuda.


"I never braid my hair. Ever" Athena said as a servant braided her hair.

"But you look beautiful in braids. You look beautiful in anything my lady" the servant bowed her head.

"Thank you" Athena said as she looked into her hand mirror "maybe I'd carry this hairstyle for today. I need changes in my life you know" Athena said as she stood up.

"And I'm here for the change" Will spoke as he walked into the room. Athena trembled in shock and dropped her hand mirror, the servant quickly picked up the hand mirror and left the room closing the door behind.

"What? How?" Athena was speechless.

"Yes, I got here how? Because my father helped me and why? Because I'm here for you" Will said.

"You are not welcomed here you know" Athena said.

"By who? You, Hades or Poseidon?" Will walked up to Athena.

"By the there of us" she said.

"But I'm not leaving" he said.

"Then I am" she turned her back but Will grabbed her arm "this time I'm not letting you go" he said.

"Let me go Will" she insisted.

"I let you go once my lady but this time, I won't" he looked at her.

Athena gave a deep sigh "Will you know, we can't be together".

"That's not true my lady" Will said as he pulled her closer. After all these time Will was finally able to touch her again, Athena said nothing it's been long since Will touched her and now when he did she was speechless and didn't know what to say. He gently stroked her face and said "I died with every breath I took from the moment you left me, do you know that I was alive only because I had hope in my heart to see you again".

Athena gave a deep sigh. She didn't want to know what Will went through and how he even lived those moments without her because it was hard for her as well. She felt sorry for him but in the back of her mind she had her father, how her father would kill Will if he sees him and her promise that she would never see him again. "Will I___" before Athena could say another word Will shushed her as he kept his finger on her soft lips.

"I loved you, I love you and I still love you till this very day my lady" he said as he gently kissed her lips. How long had he waited when he could see her and kiss her again, like he did once. A tear rolled down her cheek as Athena moved her lips away from him. How much she wanted to kiss him back she couldn't, she couldn't just go against her father's promise nor could she see him die.

The Seven Seas (A Will Turner fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now