Cнαpтer Tнree: Kιreι

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Yo pips!!!!

I just want to say...


~I'm still new here, if you ask xD

And I'm sorry if I took too long to update. I have many reasons but I'm not gonna bail it in here xD and my summer is no fun T^T ...well, most of it x3

But, you know what?

I'm very touched to those people who stayed behind this story even if it takes me forever to update :') I love you guys.

Okay, enough with the drama xD


Me:Okay!!! disclaimers!!

Naruto people: She doesn't own Naruto or the music and pics she put, but the story and the plot of this are the one she owns.

Me: On with the fic~~~~


Chapter Three: Kirei


Whispers, gossips, stares, glares filled the school as a pink-haired student walked in the hallway, shakily and nervously. It was already dismissal and she was carrying a notebook, with a pen in it, to go to the library and research more about their project.

"Her?! That can't be her!"

"Are you sure what you saw was right?"

"Sasuke-kun would never pick a nerd like her!"

"Maybe it has a reason on it......"

"Yeah, maybe he just wants to get ace in his subject?"

Sakura can hear everything, so she tighten her hold on her notebook as it was leaning on her chest. She looked down and procceeded walking.


Sasuke and the gang were walking in the hallways. Since it's dismissal time, they will go home first and meet up in the club.

He was at the very back of them, hands on his pockets as his face gave a bored expression.

His fangirls squealed at the sides or behind them whenever they saw him.


He scratched the back of his head with closed eyes. When he opened it, he saw a glimpse of pink passing by the corner of the hallway.

He stopped in his tracks as his friends didn't noticed it and continued on their way out while his fangirls assumed he was there.

He gave out a sigh as he followed where his partner was going.


"Good afternoon, Misaki-sensei."

A woman with brown hair, that was tied to a neat bun, and hazel eyes, with an eye glasses over it, looked up from her desk and smiled at the pinkette, "Good afternoon to you too, Sakura-chan!" she yelled, "What's the work this time?"

Sakura gazed through the PC's area, seeing no body there, she smiled meekly.

Misaki, their librarian, gave a worried look to her actions.

Sakura sighed as she looked back at her, "Chemistry project...."

The librarian nodded as she glanced over to her computer and began typing. After 30-60 seconds, Misaki turned around, "Chemistry related books are in the 2nd floor on the 7th shelf."

Little by Little (SasuSaku Fanfic / SasukeXSakura)Where stories live. Discover now