Sick Baby | UA

461 14 15

UA : Evan has seasonal allergies and gets sick.


Evan knew it was coming.

He felt the signs starting at the back of his throat, and the sniffling. The sneezing was also horrendous. Not like it hasn't happened before.

Yep. He's sick with allergies.

He dreaded the next day as he laid down to sleep because no one wants to suffer sickness. Not even from a measly cold.

The whole day he kept sneezing, shivering, coughing and clearing his throat. Lucky for him he had allergy medicine but he hasn't had the time to take it.

Editing videos were a pain and he was getting germs everywhere with his sneezes.

Evan muttered a quick curse word and sniffled, rubbing his nose. He planned to finish a video today...but that wasn't going to happen.

He had already let his fans know. Just in case they were wondering where he disappeared off to.

As he was about to turn off his computer, he got a Skype call. Delirious.

He answered and felt the beginning of another sneeze.

"Sup, owl-"

Evan cut off the greeting with his sneeze and and cough. He gave the black screen a weak smile and ran a hand through his hair.

"Hey, Delirious."

"Holy shit, Vanoss. You look like total crap, man."

"Ha, I know. Allergies."


"Yup." Evan said, popping the p. He saved whatever shit video he put together to edit later and coughed. It kind of pained to talk.

"Did you even take medicine?"

"Then go do that. Right now, mister."

Evan raised an eyebrow but shrugged and stood, walking to go take the medicine like Delirious instructed.

Once he was done, he came back feeling a little drowsy, Delirious had his face cam on. The other man seemed to be editing by the almost silent click of keys.

"Hey, Jon."

The mentioned looked at the screen then cam. "You still look like shit."

"Shut up. When will you be here?"

"Uh...Friday. And you better not get me sick, you ass."

Evan rolled his eyes and held back a sneeze. "Allergies aren't contagious. Where the fuck did you learn that, idiot?" He asked with amusement in his voice.

"You're the one sneezing up a storm over there! I might as well bring over a shit ton of Lysol."

"I don't think you can bring Lysol on a plane. Besides, I have plenty here." Evan suggested. He felt hot but as soon as he adjusted the temperature, he felt cold.

"Whatever, dude. If I get sick..."

"You won't, you dramatic baby."

And Jonathan did get sick.


"You have a COLD, you idiot!"


"Oh my god."

Short but sweet <3

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