Story Time!

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I'm sorry I haven't been on it's just my weekend was hectic and it lapsed into the week and just
Let's say the last four days have been very eventful

Anyway, I should probably upload something even if it's not art, so story time from a talking tom
No, story from a little Rain

Anywho, so some names you should know
Aro (guy)
Anemone (girl)
Muna ("obsessive girl")

Anyway, I started talking to Aro on last Friday afternoon, telling him how Muna was stalking him
However, I started talking to him a lot. Now, something else you should know: I really freaking liked Aro, as someone I'd date, partially the reason I started talking to him. Because let me tell you, he's really attractive? Anyway, he told me he liked Anemone and I just completely broke down but I blew it off via text. However, I trusted him to the point where I told him I used to like him: that's right, this girl right here whose art you look up to friend zoned herself on purpose.
Anyway, we talked through Saturday but not on Sunday because he would reply and I didn't wanna seem desperate. Let me tell you, I am one very proud person.
Something else you should know; if you meet me in person, all that confidence I ooze just disappears. So I didn't say anything. At all.
However, I got in a bad argument with him (in my head) because he told me off for texting him, and so of course I over thought it
Tuesday he was indifferent as well so I fucking snapped. I texted him telling him (bc when I texted him before, I told him I could "either like him or hate him") I hated him in the latter. He finally replies and I start spouting anger but somehow he manages to calm me down by saying he was genuinely sorry and he genuinely cared how I felt
Moral of the story: Aro is my friend because we handshake now
That was a roller coaster from beginning to end wow
But yes, next time you talk to me, know that I'm the girl that told her ex crush she used to like him just to be his friend, nothing more

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