I Will Not Apologize For My Opinion

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I have been biting my tongue for so long. I just need to let this out. If you agree with my opinion, great. If you don't agree with my opinion, great. But just know, if you disagree, I have lost all respect for you. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

I am a Democrat. My father is a Democrat in a very Republican business. If I were to say post something like this on Facebook or Instagram and his boss saw it. He could quite easily loose his job. I can't have that for my family. That is why I will post it on here. This is a place where few know me. Therefore, my father's job is safe.


I live in Pennsylvania, and in an area dominated by Apple farms. Due to many apple farms there are quite a few illegal immigrants here. No they are not rapists or drug dealers. They are here to support their families. Many of my friends, many of whom I consider my own flesh and blood have relatives who fear of going back to Mexico. My friends have friends whose parents are illegal. It pains them (and me) to just fear if they will get deported or not. I cannot accept this. Now I have a story to tell from a few years ago.

I had this best guy friend in fifth grade. His parents were (and still are) illegal immigrants. One day this boy came to school with a depressed face that masked his usual cheerful face.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He looked at me with big, watery eyes. "My Dad might be sent back to Mexico."

I remember my heart practically stop beating when I heard that. At that time I had never heard of someone being deported. As a side note, I must say something. I am an American. I was born and raised here. I had(and still have) no reason to be deported. And I too have immigrant blood in me. I'm about 65% Irish. I am descended from immigrants. Hell, we practically all are! Everyone's family started somewhere. Ireland happens to be the where my father's side started. Anyways, back to the story.

What happened in between these two days will always haunt me. It was the day of his father's court, he was all dressed up in a black suit. It was the end of the day and everyone was lined up, ready to get onto the buses. I just watched him with teary eyes and a lump in my throat. I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want his family to leave. I was heartbroken by the fact that day I may have lost a friend. I was practically on the verge of tears when we all exited the building. I never want a day like that again.

Saying all Mexicans are bad is like saying all Americans are fat.

And it pains me how after the election people in higher grades at my school were telling the Hispanic kids "Bye, bye". I will NOT stand for that.


I am the exact opposite of being religious. I just go with the flow and don't judge people for what they do or do not believe in. A few of my friends are Christian, and I have one friend who follows Hindu. I don't judge. They are my friends and I love them dearly. I wouldn't mind having a friend who follows a religion different than them. I think I would be cool to have a friend that follows Islam. I would be accepting nevertheless.

So listen, I don't care if you're an atheist or a freaking priest, I will accept you. Unless you are a major pile of BS then I will drop kick you like Hope Solo. I'm just gonna leave that there.

I do not support religious hatred. This seriously needs to stop. I have seen so many posts on like literally smashing one religion. Claiming that one religion is better than another. Once I saw this post that made me so mad I started sobbing. And this was like what, seven months ago? It was this post by a Christian organization about Hindu. It was like, (This is to my memory) Look at this elephant. He is following Hindu, and he is lost. There is truly only one God, and he will bring the elephant around.

I just sat there, in my bed with tears streaming down my face. The post made me so pissed off. I can't stand for that. Let people believe what they want to believe.

Stop people telling others following Islam is bad. People make choices in life, it could open a door to a life full of happiness. Do you want to stop someone from finding happiness?


Since all of you have read this oneshot book I'm guessing you have assumed my sexuality. Yes I am a lesbian. I am proud to be one on the internet at least. No my parents aren't homophobic, they are quite accepting. I have only told a few of my friends (and you random internet people). You may wonder why. I'll tell you. Because I will come out once I have a girlfriend. And because of the world today.

Our country has a homophobic man as a president. I have never been so scared in my life. The morning after the election I woke up and looked at the results. Once I saw his name, my world crumble. I knew that the next four years would be the darkest of my life. I sobbed for twenty minutes that morning. It hurt really badly. I wanted a woman to prove everyone wrong and become the first women's president America has ever had. I wanted to know that for myself and other, our right to love one another was to be kept. Now I am riddled with secret fears I don't speak of.

I have gay neighbors. One of my first thoughts were about them. They won't be able to get married. I thought as I cried. I was looking to their wedding. I wanted to see what love looks like that is not straight. I wanted to feel their love fill the room. Now, that probably won't happen.

I have no idea if this is true or not, but apparently they want to use electric shock therapy on the gays and lesbians. When I heard that I freaked out. I was shaking with fear. It made my stomach churn and I felt dizzy. Why would someone go as far as shocking them? That thing is, it won't change who you love. You are made to be you for a reason. If the universe wanted everyone to be exactly the same, don't you think it would've started like that? You live who you love because you are you. Continue to be special.

I have a conversation from a few weeks ago that I am now going to share. Mainly because it fits into my topic.

Me = Me
Jane(not her real name by the way) = A person who used to be my best friend, and now isn't.
Liz(not her real name) = "Jane's" friend

Me = Jane, think about what he is going to be doing to this country!

Jane = I am, he is going to improve it!

Me = Are you even listening to yourself? Think about this... He wants to have electric shock therapy on gays.

Jane = So what? He can do whatever he wants.


Liz = Well maybe you are gay.

Me(still hiding it from those two homophobic people I used to call friends) = Well maybe I am! At least my parents didn't vote for a bigot. *Storms off to dump lunch tray*

Just a little side note about "Jane" she was an illegal immigrant from Canada! Yes, and she thinks illegal immigrants should go back. One day she told one of her Hispanic classmates to go back to Mexico. Then my friend (let's call her Mac) made a valid point. "Mac" said, "You're an immigrant, why don't you just go back to Canada?"

She scoffed, "That's not how it works."

I flipped out when I heard that. I was so ready to slap "Jane" out of our galaxy.


Author's Note: I just needed to get this off of my chest. Bye!

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