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Dear Diary,

Otabek had called me in the morning so we could go pick up the two...idk what to call them. One is a pig and the other is just


Before I go into detail about how much I hate that they're gonna come back and take my freedom, let's talk about yesterday. On the drive to the airport I kept thinking of how fun having a little kid around the house might be.

It's weird. Because the little kid they're adopting  might be my sister or brother apparently. (no I'm not accepting the fact that we are some type of dysfunctional family.)

For some reason though I still don't want that kid in MY house. (it's victors and Yuuris...but I LIVE IN IT)

Confusing right?

Guess I'll just skate it out later to some agape-shît again. Hopefully Victor won't see the anger coming out while I skate. He'll make me go to some damn shrine so I can get smacked with a piece of wood.

Right now I'm writing this under my sweater in my car seat. I am pressed against the door because Victor insisted on sitting back here with me. To top it off he kept talking about the baby GIRL that was going to come home in March or something.

The name of this baby was going to be-God why did Victor have to make the name dumb too.


Victoria Nikiforov, or Victoria Katsuki (idk who's name goes)

The name is nice and all but when he told me the reason;

His reason was the most stupidest yet, I'll admit, clever thing. Since me and Yuuri have the same name (unfortunately) he wanted to do the same with a girl.

Which gives us Victoria.

Poor girl.

I feel bad for her. Being stuck with parents that are...either stupid or a pig.

I'm just lucky not to be that girl.

Great...now Victor took my F****** SWEATER OFF ME!!!



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