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Hello, my name is Lauren. This is my first fan-fiction so I have no clue what I am doing. I hope you all enjoy my story!! -L

First Day Of School

" Come on Lauren!! Get up for school today's the first day, you don't want to be late!!" My mom yelled at me from downstairs.

" I'm getting up!" geez. I yelled back

I got up and went to the bathroom. I went and brushed my teeth then took a short hot shower. I do NOT want to go to school for another two years with him. He is the reason why I have not to many friends. He is the reason why I have no self confidence. But I also can't wait to see him again. Niall Horan, my school bully, is my crush. I know, I know, I'm stupid for liking him, but he's different when his friends aren't around. Or anyone for that matter. His little group are like little puppies that follow him around and do what he says.

I got dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans and a brown belt and a cute light pink top. I had brown and white wedges on and my school bag. I went downstairs.

" You look beautiful hunny! I hope you have a great first day! I love you!!" My mom said.

"Yeah, you do look great. We will see you after school sweetheart. I love you!" My dad said.

" See ya later! love you both!" I blew them kisses and walked out of the house. I unlocked my white jeep grand Cherokee and hoped inside. I drove to school.

When I got there, it looked the same. I got stares and winks from guys. Ew. I walked to the front office and got my new schedule.

" Have a great day Lauren!" Mrs. Roberts said to me.

"Thanks! You too!" I replied.

Ok, first period... math. Ugh. I suck math. I go to my new locker. "13,32,6" I whisper to myself and it opened.

I put everything of mine in there and started walking to math. I wasn't even halfway there when I got knocked down onto the cold, hard floor.

"Oh I'm so so sorry!!! I really didn't mean to do that! let me help you up." The unknown girl said to me.

" That's ok. it happens. What's your name?" I ask her.

"Jordyn fertig. You?"

"Lauren Sullivan. I'm gonna take it your new here?"

"Nice to meet you. And yeah I'm new. Do you know where the math room is?" She asked me.

"Let me see your schedule, maybe we have the same classes." I said and she handed it to me.

"Yay! We have all of our classes together. Ok so we will walk together."

We got to class after about a minute or two of talking. I still got stares from complete creeps. some were cute but others, EWWWW..

The second I walk I the room my eyes lock with his. His lips instantly turned into a devilish smirk. I looked away and walked up to the teacher.

" Hello, I'm Lauren. your Mr. Geinco right?" I asked the man who was in his late 20's or 30's.

" Yes, hello Lauren. it's nice to have you here. you will be sitting by.." he checked his paper, " Mr. Horan over there."

I froze and turned around to see Niall, still smirking pull out the seat next to him.

I hesitantly walked over there, not making eye contact.

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