Chapter 12

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Niall's P.O.V

I am gonna meet up with the guys today. They were right about not doing anything together since Lauren. But honestly, I could care less. I don't care about anyone except for Lauren. Yeah sure I miss my family. But I've never loved somebody as much as Lauren. I shutter at the sound of me saying 'family' in my head. I miss them so freaking much. Nobody will know how I felt that day. When my life spiraled out of whack.


"Mom what's happening?" I ask her. I am only 9 years old. It is about 3 O'clock in the morning. I heard some shouting and glass breaking come from downstairs. My mom ran into my room first thing and dad went downstairs. We are hiding in my closet.

" I don't know yet hunny. Daddy is looking. I'm sure you brother was drunk and broke something. Everything is gonna be alright. I promise."

End of flashback

I have never told others the story Nobody knows. Only councilors. I was forced to go to them everyday after

That night. But I don want to think about that know. I am gonna hang with the lads. I'm gonna have fun and not think about her for a while.

Harry's P.O.V

Niall is coming to hang out with us. We need to see how his dare is coming along. Oh you didn't know? This is all a dare. A joke. Fake. Not one bit of their relationship is true. Maybe she has feelings for him, but not him. He was DARED to do this. To fake date her and get her to love him. He has to 'do it' with her too. Then, he will break her heart. Completely shatter it. He said what he was doing is so much fun and she is gonna be easy to get into bed.

I will just a little feel bad for her. But she forgot about me. About what we were. She was put into a coma when we were about 10 and we were best friends. Now she doesn't remember anything. Me, or her past. I have always liked her, but we never talk. She doesn't even look at me. That caused me to go into short depression for almost a month. I was only 13 when that happened. I've never told anyone that except my mom and dad and sister. I don't know how she will react knowing that I was the one to dare him.


" let's play truth or dare!" I slurred. We were all drunk at a party. We were sitting around a bonfire and still drinking more and laughing.

"Okay that sounds fun!" One of the annoying girls said. I think her name was... Ashley? Something like that. Whatever.

"Ok harry truth or dare?" Lou asks me.

"Truth." I say plainly.

" How old were you when you lost your virginity?"

" 15" I say back.

" Ok Niall truth or dare?" I ask him.

" Dare!" He yells over to me.

" Ok.. you know the Lauren girl? You have to fake date her for a while and get her to love you. You have to have some fun then dump her sorry butt In front of everyone. In a terrible way. To break her." I tell him. I heard gasps but I just smirked at Niall.

" Okay. I'll start tomorrow." He says smirking.

End of flashback

Wow, I was a dick. Like a major one. She's gonna be heart broken. But why should I care? She broke my heart by not remembering me. All of our memories. What am I talking about? It was me who put her into that coma. I was the one who accidentally bumped her off the playground. She hit her head and lost it all because of me.

Niall's P.O.V

" Do I have to do it tomorrow?" I ask Harry.

" Yeah. Caleb is having party so come with her and do it there. You had fun didn't you?" My eyes open wide. I forgot about that part of the dare. Shit.

" Yeah." I lie. Not making it obvious.

" Good. Now she will most defidently be heart broken. And now in front of everyone." He says with a smug grin.

I don't know why I agreed to do this dare. It sucks. I actually love Lauren. I would never do this to her if it wasn't a dare. Ever. I need to tell her actually how I feel tonight.And maybe after I tell her it was all a dare, she might still like me. Probably not. This is gonna really hurt her. Like bad. I know how fragile she is. And how bad she has been broken before. She's like a perfect window, and I'm the baseball that wrecks it. That's just me. I break hearts. Most of them I don't care about one bit. But Lauren is way different. She makes me jealous of every guy that talks to her or looks at her. She is gorgeous. And has an Amazing body. I want to be the only guy to look at her and talk to her.

I sound like a psychopath. I don't know what I will do without her. She helped me move past that night.

Lauren's P.O.V

I'm out at the mall cause I needed some new clothes and underwear. I walked into Victoria's Secret first. I look on the racks and desks if underwear and bras. I decide on a hot pink and black bra and matching undies. Next is clothes. I go into Forever 21 and get a couple shirts.I drop by Pacsun and don't find anything. I finally chose to leave before I spend all me money.

I open the door to my room and out my bags on the bed. I go to the restroom and do my buisness. I come out and look around my room. I feel like I'm being watched. Suddenly I felt two Really sting arms wrap around me. I thought it was Niall and relaxed. Then I realized, it doesn't smell like him. Or isn't as warm. I look at the persons arm and see a tattoo. A tattoo that doesn't belong to Niall. I freak out and turn around.

" Hi Lauren." Harry. What is he doing here? Isn't he just one of Niall's puppies?

" What-why how did you get in he-"

"Shh. I got in through your window. And I came here to see you silly." He said.

" I don't know you get out of my house!" I say trying to get out of his strong grip but it's no use. I look up at him. His lips attach to mine in a second. I push on his chest but he doesn't budge.

" Kiss me back Lauren. Now." He tells me sternly.

" No! I don't know you and I'm dating Niall!" I tell at him. He just moves his lips down to my neck. I swear I hear him mumble ' not for long' but whatever. I finally raise my knee to kick his stomach but he uses reflexes.

" Feisty huh? I like that." He said.

" Stop please! I don't know you! This is not right! Get off me!!" I scream and yell, but No ones home. Just him and I. Great. He suddenly stops his lips from moving and looks at me with hurt eyes.

" You really don't remember me?" He asks and his voice cracks.

" No"I say back. No longer fighting his grip. "Am I suppose to?" I ask him quietly.

" Yes, Lauren but you don't. It me. Harry. We were best friends when we were 10. You fell off the playground and were out into a coma. I was there to see it all happen. You forgot everything. Your past, memories, me." He explains. Why didn't my parent tell me? Why didn't he ever talk to me?

" How come you are talking to me now? Not before?" I ask.

" Because, I never realized it before." He says quietly.

" Realized what?"

" That.. I uh... I love you Lauren."


Uh oh. It's all fake!No! Well, thank you all for reading and leave comments and vote please! I wanna really have this book soar! Thank you all so much and love you!!!!


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