Chapter 14

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"Lauren! Can you please open the door? You haven't opened it yet and in worried about you. Please just tell me what happened." My mom says through the door. I groan and get up.i feel dead. Like nobody by the name of Lauren Elizabeth Sullivan exist. Anymore. I finally started to not feel self cautious. I started to feel wanted and loved by people other than my parents. But that was brutally taken away. By him. I can't even bare to think of his name. I would fall down again and sob. I finally open the door for my mom. She gasps and runs towards me and gives me a hug. I really needed one.But no other hug will feel like his did.

" What happened!? Please tell me everything. Was it Niall?" I screech and run to my bed when she said it. I cried again. This is the 12th time since last night that I have cried.

" Lauren, I can't help you unless you tell me." I then tell her everything. Everything we did together and what happened last night. I was laughing and crying all at the same time. I love Niall. I really do. But, again I set my heart on someone who doesn't want it. Who doesn't care. Who never will. My mom had tears in her eyes as I finished up talking. We just say there an hugged for about 10 minutes. It felt good to be in someone's arms. To feel safe but yet still badly hurt. I hate this feeling. Having your heart be a punching bag. I wanna have my life be over with already.

Niall's P.O.V At the party

" Did you see her face dude?!? oh my god she's crushed good job Niall!"

Zayn said to me patting my back. I smiled and chuckled. But that face that he was talking about, killed me. It hurts so much to see her like that. I've never been like this before. In emotional pain over a girl. Besides my mom. But that was it. No other girl I cared about.

But Lauren, just is so much different. I want to crawl in a corner as cry. Or punch myself for being such a dick. I'll go with neither But I do deserve a beating. I deserve worse . Way worse. Like jail. I should be killed because of that. To hurt a girl that bad and to say it in that way? I can't believe I did that.

I need to see her. Before I become like psychotic. I am losing my mind thinking about all this. I just need to tell her about it. Maybe she will believe me and take me back. I mean, I am Niall Horan. I get any girl.

What am I saying? I sound like a complete ass. I need to apologize somehow or just never talk to her again. I need to apologize. I've never really done that, so I don't know how. I should give her some time to 'heal' though. I might need that time myself.

Harry's P.O.V

You should have seen her face. It was priceless. I can't believe she actually believed that what Niall was doing was real. I sound like a douche but she deserves it. I had depression because of her. Man, i can sound more like an ass today can I!? It wasn't her fault I went into depression. She didn't know. I still haven't told Niall about how I knew Lauren. Nobody knew.

" Hey Niall?" I ask him. He turns around to me.

" Yeah?"

" Can we talk for a minute?" I ask.

" Yeah totally." We walk over to a booth. I can't believe I am going to tell him this.

" What's on your mind Harry?"

" It's about Lauren.." I trail off. I see the way he flinches as I say her name. When he was ' dating ' her, his face would light up at the sound of her name. This is weird and not right.

" What about her?"

" I have known Lauren for a long time. I never told you and I wanted to get back at her. We were best friends and one day we were on the playground. I accidentally bumped into her and she fell off. She cot a major concussion and was in a coma for 1 month. I had depression after that. She lost all of her memory after that and didn't remember me. I used to talk to her mom to see how she was doing and one day it stopped. I thought she just didn't like me anymore. I wanted to get back at her so I assigned you the dare."

Niall's P.O.V

Wow. He knew her all this time and he didn't tell me.He seemed to remember it all so clearly like it was yesterday. Did he like her? I'm sure it was a possibility. He's Harry. But he wanted to get back at her for something she didn't remember? The made my fists clench and I got really ticked. An Irish temper doesn't help in times when you need to hide feelings. I can't show them I love her. They would not treat me the same or anything. But here goes nothing.

" Why the hell did you make me do that to her!? Right now she and I are broken because of you! You brought out a part of me when you dared me to date her. A part of me I didn't know was thee anymore! Harry, you ruined me because she didn't fu**ing remember you!? That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard of! You are sick!" I yell and everyone looks at me. But I don't care. I got that off my Chest but still so pissed. Overly pissed.

" Do you actually care about her Niall? Do you actually care about a girl you humped and dumped? Really? I thought you were like the rest of us. But nope, your the loving and caring one. And you love Lauren!" He said laughing.

" First of all, i didn't ' hump and dump' her! That never happened! I lied to you and now she is somewhere doing god knows what and I'm not there! I'm not in the picture of her life anymore because of you!" I finally storm out of there. I am so pissed and need to talk to her. She can calm me down. Just the thought of her calms me down a little. Before I know it, my car is in the middle of her driveway. I get out and walk to the window. I look into the room and see her. Under the blankets. The blankets are shaking and look like she is sobbing. I feel like I just got punched in the gut. I climb in without a sound and make my way over to her. She is sleeping. And shaking. She's cold.

I climb into the bed with her. She doesn't move an I know she is going to freak when she sees me. I just need to be with her right now. I need Lauren. This might be my last time with her so I need to enjoy it. Take in every inch of her perfect face. Remember how she smells. Like flowers and sugar. She always smells really good. I am really gonna miss this. I hope it won't end. Ever. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to have kids with Lauren. which is weird for me to say but I do now.

' Please never let me go.' I barely whisper before falling asleep.

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