Chapter 18

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Lauren's P.O.V

Ok. I know what you all are thinking. Yes, I had the best night of my life last night. He was so careful since it was my first time. I loved how he did that.

Moving on.. Today I'm gonna hang with Jordyn. I haven't seen my babe in a while. We need to catch up. Especially because I heard she is into my friend Liam. I really am kind of hoping she is because she deserves to be happy. Liam is a super sweet guy in my Advanced English class. Gosh, I sound like a nerd for being in that class.

To Jordyn: Hey! where should we meet up?

From Jordyn: Um let's be super white girls and go to Starbucks in our Ugg boots

To Jordyn: lol. Ok see you there.

I grab my keys and am almost out the door when my mom calls my name.

" Yes mom?" I yell back.

" You've been gone a lot more lately. And your acting really weird today. What happened last night?"

I froze when she said that. How would she know? Should I tell her? I don't want anymore of those weird talks and Jake would kill Niall.

" Uhh.. I was at Niall's house." I said really quietly.

" I know that. But did anything.. Happen?" I laughed at her. I decided I'm gonna play it off and act like it didn't happen.

" No. No mom nothing happened." Of course, my voice had to crack right then. It almost always does that when I lie. Damn it.

" Tell me the truth now Lauren." she said sternly.

" What do you think I did if you are wanting an answer so badly?" I ask her kind of in a stuck up attitude.

" You know what I think you probably did. I remember when I had a boyfriend in high school. When I went to his house-"

"Mom!! Don't tell me your sexual-life from high school! I really hope that guy was dad. God this is so awkward." I say to her. My cheeks are on fire. I really don't know why.

" Please just tell me Lauren. I promise I won't tell or get mad." That was a lie. Whenever I used to tell her not to tell something to someone, She would.

" Looks like your not giving up so fine. Yes. We did." I said confidently.. at first and then covered my face with my hands.

" Oh god. Ok thank you for telling me. You used protection right?"

" Mom stop! I don't like talking about this and I going to hang out with Jordyn. I'll be home later. Love you and please, please don't tell Jake. He will kill Niall." Most girls have to keep it from their dads. Not me. I have to keep it from my older brother. He's only older by 3 years!

**At Starbucks**

" Hey babe." I said giving her a hug.

" Hey boo. How did your night go?" She asks. Ugh I have to tell her now.

Jordyn's P.O.V

" Uhhh... good. Like, really good. How about you?" She asked me that to quick. Trying to change the subject on me huh Lauren? Oh that's not right. Wait, her night was really good. Haha. My mind is just wandering off to weird places right now.

" Oh! Could possibly, Niall have something to do with why your night was so good?" I ask. Her eyes got wide and then I knew. She grew up so fast!!

"Omg Lauren tell me everything!" I whisper yelled at her.

She started to blush. " No! I already had my mom ask me if we used protection! I don't want to talk about it again!" She said. Lauren is seriously maroon right now.

" So.... you took my advice that I gave you over the phone a while ago huh?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

" Yeah I did. Thanks for that by the way. Now... How are things with Liam?" She said with a smirk.

" Oh just great. An how did you know that we did stuff?" I ask. Like seriously how did she know?

Lauren's P.O.V

"Haha! Jordyn I meant like how is dating him not.. Ah! Why so early?" I has doubling over in laughter.

" Yeah, laugh it up girl. Karma will get you back. Who knows, that karma might be like you get pregnant with a Niall child for laughing at me." I immediately stopped laughing.

" Don't joke about that. I never want that to happen. Niall would leave me and my parents would probably kick me out. Its not a funny thing." I say.

" He wouldn't leave you. I've heard he has a super sweet spot for kids..." She trailed off.

" Huh. I'll ask him later."


We finally got our drinks and decided to go walk around for a while and talk for a little longer. I learned that she thinks she loves Liam Already. Wow. They really want to move fast. They've been dating for the past 4 weeks.

" So, do you love Niall?" She asks me after a couple minutes of silence.

" Yes. I really do. I just don't know how to tell him that I do. Cause I'm scared he would love me back.."

" What do you mean I won't love you back?" I stop in my tracks. I turn on my heal to see that cute, smiling Irish boy that I love.

I start to smile as he walks towards me.

" Of course I love you. I always will Lauren. I didn't say it before because I was waiting for the perfect time. And I know I said it that day when I came over to your house, but that day, those words came from my heart. Everything I told you that day wasn't planned. I really did mean it and I still do. " As he finished I pulled him into a hug.

" I love you too Niall." I say into his chest.

I look up at him and he puts his lips onto mine. I was really enjoying this, until Jordyn had to clear her throat. I laughed and looked at her.

" Come on love birds! We are having a girls day and now we are going to get our nails done. Pedicure or manicure Niall?" She asks him jokingly. I laugh again as he scoffs.

" Manicure, as usuall." He says in a girly tone while using his hands as he talked. I completely start cracking up. He laughs at our reaction then comes over and scoops me over his shoulder.

" If you want her, come and get her!" He said to Jordyn. She slowly walked over to hi and started pinching his nipple. He slowly puts me down, surrendering. I laugh again and then peck his cheek.

" That's it?" He asks with that smirk that I love.

" Yep." I say. He starts to fake cry and I laugh.

" I'll give you a kiss if you work for it later." I tell him and he stops crying and starts to laugh. I love his laugh.

" Ok, that won't be hard. Cause you were asking for a lot more than a kiss last night..." I squealed as he pinched my butt.

" I was not! At least I wasn't the one who was asking me a whole bunch of questions whether I was really wanting to do what we did.." I said walking away. I saw him blushing then I turned back to Jordyn.

" See why I love him now?" I say still laughing. She joins in soon. Today has been a good day so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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