1 - Rusted Iron

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Let me be iron

Meant to rot away in your love.

Let the dusk fall

so I can be tainted in the dew drops.

The next morning,

I will just be another one

Without a golden layer

Nothing but a piece of what you got...

— How sometimes all the things people care about you is your wealth; and not your personality! They sometimes only care about your status. And if you get the girlfriend like that too... then... bruh... Your life is screwed!

People like that only care about your gold, and when once you are not together with them, they will easily find another one who can spend his money on them...

Well not that all girls are like that! :)

And not only girls, you even get (boy) friends who only hang out with you 'cause you the son of the rich. And once you lose that status, you lose your status in their eyes... forever! And those kind of people can easily replace you. So God, let's stay away from such people.

— In the above few verses, you will see how a guy tries to save his status among his friends or between him and his lover. But in the end fails...

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