11 - Pen

159 50 43

He loved me when I was still in use

Abundance of strength I had, he was always mused

Now I'm here with nothing left

Can't help but think I used to be his best...

My color today is all deadened

Without it—my beauty profoundly lessened

Charms were the reason, I did matter

Else I would be the plant that's just whithered.

Knew it would come to an end, my fears were true

I was no more in his hands as if he just flew

Away from me— definitely our worlds so different

Maybe being together was never meant!

He was the user, why was he so ignorant?

I was being used, why so innocent?

He left me for I was just a pen

Being used all over, I couldn't even damn!

  —   So... I got this idea today when someone I know from college asked me to write a 'sick leave' application for him. I was like HELL NO. I was tired. I mean every once in a while I would have to write leave for somebody. :/ So I was pretty pissed when he said that. I didn't care if it hurt him but I simply rejected him. And I'm glad I did!! If I didn't I would never be able to... *sighs*

You know, sometimes in life people use you for their benefits. And when they have gotten what they need they will just throw you out of their lives like a bond between you and them just NEVER existed. 

Precisely illuminating this feeling, I wrote this poem. I was feeling used. Like these people will leave me one day. And I know they will, of course they will. Because no one wants to stick with someone who has no use to them. Who cares about FUN? No one does. ^_^ They all think of benefits before interacting with someone. And that's in a way true...  for me too.

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