38 - Headphones | Musical

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Whenever I wear my headphones
I feel myself shutting out
the world that pisses me off so much.
I feel myself drawn towards
the world that I have always dreamed of.

Among the stars
and their beams,
I feel myself radiating
a new light, a new gleam.
That's screaming
to be let out,
that only want to
be let loose...

But the pads hold me in,
they hold me together.
Like the soul shifted
into a new born container.
It saves the light
from going rampant,
whilst covering the fire
with only one soft blanket.

It dimmed the light,
however made it come out steady;
It calmed my soul,
Now I was more than enough ready—
to be nurtured at a level
more than spiritual
So now what remained in my heart
could become something musical!

  —  Somewhat Spiritual.

We need a medium to channel what's inside of us. We need a medium or something to hold us together, to hold us from breaking apart. It could be our parents, family, crush, love or friend...

Life is such that each of us has that potential, that spirit, that morale, that hope, that power to drive through any kind of problem. We just need to channel it the right way! 

 — I am sure we all have felt that feeling where putting on headphones makes us feel separate from the rest of the world. 

... But we don't know listening to the headphones and the music nurture us into someone else. Makes us into something else. Slowly making us a different person!

I have actually related that to the soul of the person. Each soul has a life. And when we listen to the music of the life it nurtures us, slowly but steadily.

"Not every obstacle can be overcome rapidly." 

And when we overcome such obstacles we will realize that they have changed us in a way we never imagined, but surely this change was for the better! :))

Theme : #Spiritual
There are meanings to the poem which I didn't explain ofc.

Dedicated to a friend: _musicandwriting_4
Thank you so much for always supporting me my friend! :) I hope you like, no, LOVE THIS POEM!! ♥♥ I hope I get your support in the future too. Thanks again!

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