39 - 'Who will mend??'

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I don't know what's this voice inside my head
it's telling me that I don't mean anything to them
while I do, or at least I think I do.

Everyday I wake up, thinking that
I mean the same to them as they do to me.
They are my friends...
Or at least thats's what I wanted them to be... until...

I was just walking by...
Believe me, it was not a lie...
I wasn't acting high...
Don't leave me...
Great, now I so wanna die!!

I just dropped a container—  
a glass holding plain water...
I didn't know you were just as plain,
Your thoughts and you definitely not
belong to this domain.
The cold liquor was right to kill your warmth,
It was as fake as the stillness of your living heart.

Now I don't know if I regret
letting you go or letting you in.
But I won't forget
the effect you always had on my skin.

I know, before you were pierced through coldness
but that's exactly why I began minding your rudeness.
With your words you shattered pieces of my heart
you broke our bond, but I didn't know
it was already as weak as the glass...

you were never my friend...
you were just a pretend...
you are gone, I am hurt and
I don't know to whom I should go...
Now then...
my heart— 'WHO WILL MEND??'

  —  Some people only pretend to care. Some people are just not meant to be there for you in the time of need... because, it's the truth those people will back-stab you!

  — We all need just a certain someone to be an honest and a true friend to us. We don't really want them to magically solve all their problems. All that we ask is for them to be there and listen to us when there is a problem... but such friends... whom you can trust... who will not back-stab you... are indeed very rare (although I have one in real life, or at least I think or want to believe that he will be there if I ask him to be)! :))

Do you have someone?

Or are you still searching for that someone??

Dedicated to: weirdo_lulu
A VERY BIG thanks for reading and supporting my book. It's because of people like you that I was able to reach where I am right now. :') So... thank you so much! <3 God bless you. Have a good day. :)) ♥ Hope you like this piece! ^^

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