Chapter Ten

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Two hours later I was jolted awake by Kenny's voice "Sttooorrmy, we're herrree" he sung, taking my hand and helping me out of the car. I looked around, seeing nothing but trees and water, along with a small white cottage, "where exactly is here Ken?" I asked, curiously as I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. 

"You'll see, come on" he said, again grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him as he walked towards the small house.

I looked around me as I fell into step with Kenny, there were tons of flowers in a field near the small bank of water, and the forest was huge, stretching for what seemed like forever.

Once we got up the stairs that led to the door of the cottage, he looked down, directly into my eyes, his expression very serious. "Now, Stormy, you're about to meet someone extremely special to me," he started, "you can't get jealous, k? You have to promise." 

I looked at him like he was crazy, but nodded anyway, raising my right hand and swearing that I 'wouldn't get jealous.'

He smiled, "good," he said, knocking on the door.

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