The psychopaths daughter and the beauty

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"Here is your room, Leyla. You'll share it with another girl, which arrives in a few minutes". The reddish one smiled. "Oh...that means you gave her an heartattack, cause you have showen her your wonderful gun? Just like you all did it to me?", I asked sassy.

"Yes. But do you have another solution?", he asked. "Maybe you'll try it the next time without a gun. Imagine someone sees you all. Imagine she is a good fighter, a boxer someone who fights better than a lot of us. Imagine she'd get a real heartattack. I mean I almost had one!"

The reddish one laughed and closed the door. This was a big room. With three beds. Well...okay.

1. I'm kidnapped "for my safety"

2. I'll share my room here with two girls

3. Shawn was friendly to me!!! (okay he just asked if I want to eat something. Anyway :) )

4. ...I'm in a fucking big castle (it looks like a castle, it feels like a castle so I guess it is a castle) with SHAWN fucking MENDES (okay. I don't know if the word "fucking" does suit. Does it? Or not? Idk)

The door opened and another girl (brown hair with curls, white teeth, blue eyes) came in. "Here is your room, Jeanette. Feel comfortable. This is your roommate called Leyla. Enjoy your time", a black haired security guy smiled and went away again. The door closed.

"Hi Leyla. Can I call you Leylie? It's like a nickname, isn't it? I'm Jeanette Loreen Academy Golt", she said.

"Wow. Interesting name Jeanette. I never heard someone called 'Academy'. And of course you can call me Leylie", I smiled.

" parents called me Academy, because they first wanted to call me 'Award' They love watching the Oscars - live, of course. So they thought I'd be an Award for their love, because they made me...right? They wanted to call me Academy Award of Merit Golt, Academy Award of Merit is the full name of the Oscar, but they were not allowed to call me like that. So they took the "Jeanette" from my grandmother and "Loreen" from my dead older sister"

"What? They've called you after your dead sister?", I asked shocked.

"Yes. Loreen was called with the second name Jeanette. Just a fun fact. She was eighteen when she got hit by a car. And one year later I was born. Do you see these clothes on me? They were hers. My parents wanted to remember her somehow so they call me Loreen. But I prefer Jeanette. And every evening they gave me a very little portion ash from her urn to drink it with water, so that I'm somehow Loreen"

What the hell is going on with this girls parents? That's creepy!

"Well...Jeanette...I'll call you Jeanie, right? And...did you see Shawn?", I asked. "Yes and yes", she laughed really excited. "He invited me to have dinner with him today. That's so awesome!"

What?! Shawn Mendes invited psychodaughter Jeanie for dinner with him?!

The door opened and a blonde haired girl came in. "I'm Cecilie, you're Loreen and you're Leyla, right? So...I'm your new roommate. Who has which bed?", she smiled. Damn. She's gorgeous.

"I wanna have this bed!!!!", Jeanie screamed and pointed at the bed near the door. She has a lot more energy in herself than kilograms, I thought.

"And you? Which bed do you want to have Cecilie?", I smiled. " doesn't matter. Choose one, Leyla", she said.

"Okay...I'll take the one near the window. So the one near the wall is for you"

"Alright. So. Have you met Shawn, girls? He invited me for lunch with him today. So in an hour", she smiled. Really, Shawn?!


It was about 2am when I woke up. Cecilie and Jeanie were sleeping in their beds. I stood up and sneaked out of the room. Well, that was easy! I closed the door and turned around. And in front of me was Shawn.

"What are you doing here that late?", I asked scared. "I could ask you the same", he grinned sassy. "I....I wanted to toilet. Yes...the toilet. I really need to go there. I'm sorry", I smiled and wanted to sneak away but he took my hand.

"That's not true. Don't lie to me. Please. Do you want to...-"

"Yes!", I whispered. He laughed. "I meant if you wanted to go to bed now" Oh. That was embarrassing.

"Hell no! Are you crazy? I'm sorry but I just can't sleep with a psychopaths daughter and a model in one room! I mean I need time know. To realize at first what happened. I got kidnapped by your people! My dog got a shock and is just laying on the floor without even eating something. I need time. Really. I need to get used to it. Okay?", I smiled.

"Okay. Uhm...who was the psychopaths daughter?", Shawn asked. "You don't want to know it...I'm afraid you won't like her anymore and that it's all my fault again...", I whispered.

"Oh come on. You are actually a sassy girl. Where is the sassy girl now? I thought you weren't afraid of telling me the truth", he replied.

"My not-really-sassy Character hasn't to do with the truth. The truth is that a girl's parents are crazy people which can't deal with the death. That's all"

"Ley. Please. Now I won't sleep anymore when you won't tell me!"

Wow. Shawn Mendes was begging me to tell him something. I never thought I'd say that once.

"Jeanie.", I answered as quick as I could.

"Who the fuck is Jeanie?", Shawn asked.

"Loreen. But she prefers Jeanette. Loreen was her sister. Which is dead..."

"Oh wow. I didn't even notice this. Thank god Cecilie isn't the psychopaths daughter. I'll go to my room now, okay? Good night Leyla and sneak back to your room", he grinned.

Of course I didn't

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