Part 5: Date by the moon

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"I won't cry, I won't cry. No I won't shed a tear. Just as long as you stand, stand by me." - Stand by me, E.King

Rye held Chloe by the arm, the other hand covering her eyes and led her down to the park. It was a surprise, so meticulously planned, that nothing could go wrong. Rye wanted this to be the best date for Chloe, a surprise for her birthday.
He slowly helped her to sit down and then he took his position opposite her.
"Now," he said " You can open your eyes." Slowly, flinching a little to begin with as her eyes grew accustomed to the general darkness with the spots of light. When she could finally see again, she drew in a deep breath, and tears started to form in her eyes.
In front of her, was a picnic blanket, spread with all her favourite foods and lit around the edges by the most gorgeous scented candles. They were sat at the park, Rye opposite her with their backs to the equipment and everything just looked so serene lit by the light of the moon and the candles.
"Happy birthday baby!" He said handing her a small package. She took it in her hands, feeling the weight, weighing up if she should open it or not. Slowly, she peeled the paper away, leaving behind a black box, with a silver edging. As she pulled the box open, she realised inside was a necklace, nestling amongst silver paper. It was a silver heart shaped locket, engraved with swirling patterns.
"It's beautiful," she whispered, looking up at Rye. He reached over and swiftly, deftly he fixed the clasp behind her neck. "I love it."
"I have just one more thing for you." He said, flashing her that gorgeous smile. From behind his back he whipped a steaming thermos of tea. "Love you baby." He said as she took it. "Shall we?" He said, motioning towards the food.
With a smile, she followed his lead, tucking into the fine array he had produced.
As the meal drew to a close, Rye saw that Chloe was beginning to shiver, the cold of the evening air starting to get to her.
"If you'd like, I think it'd be better if you came back to the flat for a bit before I take you home. You need to warm up a bit." Exhausted, she nodded her head, letting Rye lead her into the warmth.
"Thanks for today, it was amazing!" She said with a grin.
"Anything for such a special girl as you." Rye said and they stepped  back into the warmth of the building. Arm in arm, hand in hand, the happiest they could be.

Wouldn't you just love for Rye (Or one of the other boys) to take you on a date like this...

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