CTPA? Part Two

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The reality, as opposed to my nightmarish dream, was when first one, and then a number of the Councillors did in fact visit our trees and my signs. The trees are well back from the highway, alongside a deep drain running between them and our front boundary fence, so their root system has never been a problem to the road, as they seek and find their water from the drain.

But the signs bothered these trusty Councillors greatly. They returned the next day and once again deep conferencing took place. I quaked in my boots as I peeked through the bushes in front of our home - one paddock away from them. I was sure someone would smell a rat and see through our desperate ploy. But no... they walked back to their cars, shaking their heads, and finally drove away.

We never had any question directed to us - and best of all, no great tree-chopping-down machines ever came near. Ours have stayed safe and now their size should guarantee their safety. I still have that warning sign saved on my computer, ready to spring into action should war break out again.

Tragically, the ones they had already demolished were heaped up and set on fire. I cried that day. BUT... after the next rains and autumn sunshine, the little treasures popped up all over the place. Just like gum trees, they had pinged their seeds far and wide, and countless groups of regular little forests sprang up. But how's this? None invaded the farmers' paddocks... not a single one! It's like they know we're on their side (that would be the highway side - and it's really NOT greener!).

Since then the Council has tried mowing the newbies down when they're young; another time it was poison... but despite their most valiant efforts, some little fellows emerge again after a bit... every single time, and their tap root goes extra-deep (like about five times what you can see above ground), as if to ensure their strongest possible defence. Just like us, it doesn't pay to underestimate our underlying resolve.

And once again, what did the sign say, anyway?

by authority

And CTPA, you ask? Shhh... don't tell anyone -


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