How You Meet

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Chris: The Penetrators are notorious for throwing parties all the time, which means Chris is at every one of them. You, on the other hand, weren't big on the whole "party" thing. Of course you like to have fun and party once in a while, but you can only take so much. However, Vilde convinced you and the rest of the girls to accompany her to the Penetrators' latest rager, so you figured you'd at least try to have some fun. Besides, some of the guys were pretty attractive.

When the night came, you put on your favorite little black dress and headed over to the house party with the rest of the girls. After knocking, the door swung open and you were face-to-face with Chris. He smirked at you and then let his eyes trail up and down your body. Not knowing what to do, you quickly walked inside, still feeling his eyes on you.

"Damn, he was eyeing you up, (Y/N)," whispered Eva

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"Damn, he was eyeing you up, (Y/N)," whispered Eva.

Of course you found him extremely attractive, but you had heard all of the stories about Chris, so you weren't so keen on the idea of getting involved with him.

William: The first time you met William was not exactly the best first impression you could've made, but he seemed to like it. You had seen him around school, being very mysterious and quiet, but never really had a reason to talk to him. That is, until Vilde decided that she was madly in love with him. Long story short, she and William hooked up at a Penetrator party and then he was never heard from again. The girls, including you, all agreed that Vilde should just confront him and find out what's going on. When she did so, William decided to answer her questions in a completely rude manner, telling her that she was not worth his time. Being the "mom" of the friend group, you couldn't just let him get away with saying those obscene things. You stepped in front of Vilde, so you were looking William directly in the eyes, and let him feel your wrath.

"You know, maybe if your ego wasn't bigger than your head, you'd be able to comprehend the fact that your words can actually hurt people. Honestly, what is your problem? Did mommy not put your drawings on the fridge? Or maybe you feel the need to compensate for your tiny dick? Is that it? I certainly can't think of any other logical reason for you to make someone else feel like they're worthless. So maybe you should stop acting like such an inconsiderate douche, and think about what you say before you say it," you spat.

William just stared at you the entire time, too stunned to say anything. Once you finished your rant, you pushed past him, and the rest of the girls followed.

Jonas: You've known Jonas since you were babies because you were Isak's twin sister. The three of you have been best friends since diapers, so you know Jonas like the back of your hand.

Lately, you've been developing feelings for him, but you'd never even dream of acting upon then because of your friendship. Besides, Isak would be way too weirded out. Even though you know you could never date Jonas, you still catch yourself daydreaming about what it would be like. Sometimes, you end up doing it while Jonas is talking to you, and he'll snap his fingers in front of your face and look at you quizzically. You quickly snap out of it and stumble over your words, trying to come up with an explanation for your dreamlike state. He always seems convinced by your answer though, which at first you're relieved for, but then become disappointed at. You wish he would just realize you're in love with him already!

The worst part though, is listening to him talk about how hot other girls are, or how his date went with some third year chick. You try to smile at him and give him your best advice, but you secretly hope it doesn't work out with all the other girls so you could at least have a chance.

"A girl can dream, right?" you think to yourself.

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