Strings Attached- Chris Imagine 4

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You and Chris had been dating for a few months. When he first asked you out, you were just curious about him and figured, "Why not?". However, after a few months, you actually started to fall for him. You fell for the way his eyes lit up when he was happy and the way he would listen to you intensely as you confided in him. You fell for the way he would hold you when the two of you cuddled and the way he called in the middle of the night just to hear your voice. What you didn't fall for was his "bad boy" facade or his "I don't give a shit" attitude. As time went on, it seemed that you were able to break down the walls that Chris had put up around himself. At least, that's what you thought.

Currently you were at a party thrown by none other than Chris himself. All of your friends were attending and Chris was hosting, so you were kind of obligated to go. You didn't mind though, it was a chance to have some fun with your friends.

When you arrived, Chris greeted you and your friends at the door. You pecked him on the lips, (your usual greeting), but for some reason Chris had an odd expression on his face. He almost looked scared, or maybe confused. You brushed it off quickly though, convincing yourself it was nothing.

"I'm going to go get myself a drink," you told him.

You and the girls continued down the hall towards the kitchen. There were red Solo cups scattered everywhere and enough liquor to fill a pool.

It had been a few hours since you had arrived at the party and everyone around you was wasted. You were getting annoyed by all of the drunken antics and wanted to go find your boyfriend.

"I'm going to go look for Chris," you told your drunken friends.

They all just nodded and continued babbling incoherently.

You laughed to yourself and started to ask the people around you if they had seen Chris. However, this seemed to be of no luck to you. Either people just hadn't seen him, or they were too drunk to even comprehend what you were asking.

After scouring the entire first floor, you figured he must have been upstairs. Chris put on a big show about throwing the best parties, but you knew that he got tired of them.

At this point, you were randomly opening the doors upstairs, desperate to find your boyfriend. Of course, at every party there are always drunken teens hooking up in random rooms.

"Yikes, sorry," you apologized over and over again as you continued to walk in on such events.

The last room on the hall was Chris's. You yanked the door open, too tired and annoyed to care anymore about what would be on the other side.

"You've got to be kidding me," you muttered under your breath as you saw yet another couple making out on the bed.

You were about to turn around and shut the door again, when you took a double-take.

"It can't be," you thought to yourself.

Your eyes scanned over the male figure on top of the random girl, and you couldn't believe your eyes.

Even in the dimly lit room, it was impossible for you to miss. His body. His clothes. His movements. It was Chris. Chris was cheating on you.

Too overwhelmed and hurt, all you could do was let out a small gasp.

Whether it was the sound you made or the light coming from the hallway, Chris finally looked up from his current business.

He looked around for a few seconds, and then his eyes landed on you. His eyes grew wide as he realized what you had just witnessed.

"Well, I think I've seen enough," you bit, your voice laced with venom.

You turned and started your way back down the crowded hall, pushing past anyone in your way. Anger was coursing through your veins, yet tears were threatening to spill from your eyes. Your emotions were all over the place.

Before you got too far, you felt someone grab onto your wrist and turn you around.

"What could you possibly want?" you spat, already knowing it was Chris.

"I know this seems bad," Chris pleaded.

"Oh do you?" you replied sarcastically.

"I guess in hindsight it doesn't really make much sense," he started.

You cut him off, "In hindsight? When would cheating on me with some random girl ever make sense?"

"Look, ok, I know. I was just- I was scared," he continued.

Once again you cut him off, yelling, "Scared? What could you possibly be scared of? I'm the one who should be scared. Everybody told me to watch out for you because you'd break my heart. I never listened though. Hell, I defended you. Looks like they were right."

At this point you were on the verge of tears and all eyes were on you and Chris.

"I know, and you're right. But I was scared. I was scared of you and what you were doing to me. I was- I am falling in love with you and I thought that if I hooked up with that other girl it would go away. The feelings. I didn't want to think that somebody could have a hold on me like you do. I'm always a no-strings-attached guy, but with you, it's like all of our strings are endlessly intertwined. And because of that, you have the power to cut those strings. That's what scares me. If you cut those strings, I don't know what I'd do."

At this point, silent tears were streaming down your face.

"I-I just can't do this right now, Chris. It's too much. I don't know if I can forgive you for this," you whispered, your voice barely audible.

Chris's face fell, his eyes becoming glassy.

You slipped out of his grip and continued down the hall, desperate to get out of that house.

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