Hospital problems

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To calm myself down I take a drink ew this is disgusting its not even regular milk...shit!

Thursday, 12:46pm, miller hospital_


Nikki: Melissa can you hear me!?

Melissa nods her head yes as the nurse comes in.

nurse: She can hear you of course but she can't speak normally she can only whisper, her throat is swelled up so she has trouble talking and breathing.

Melissa nods her head in agreement as she looks at the fish tank in the doctors office. Why is she so calm? Does she know that she could die from this?

I start pacing back and forth thinking if all the dangerous possibilities that could happen. I then hear a laugh behind me that makes me jump.

nurse: Nikki why are you so nervous? This isn't her first time drinking milk, but it is worst by the large amount of milk she drunk.

I was just starting to relax until I heard the end part.

Nikki: wait... worst?! will she die!? will u have to cut open her?

The nurse laughs again

nurse: you must not know a lot about allergies. All we need to do is give her a refill of her shots and then y'all can go.

Nikki: OK that's good that's good, how long does it take to get the refill?

nurse: not long, we will just give you a prescription and you will get it at a local Pharmacy.

Nikki: ok that's good.

nurse: oh and before I forget, Melissa you need to call your parents we need a parent signature before we give you the shots.

I breath in and out to calm myself down, I close my eyes and think of good things... like babies and puppys and my grandma.

Melissa comes up to me, startling me and ruining my good thinking. Melissa voice is very soft so she has to get close to me.

Melissa: I'm going to...uh I'm going to call my parents on my cell phone.

Melissa looks worried, she quickly hurries out the room, leaving her phone. somthing tells me that shes not calling her parents.


omg so sorry its been a long time since I updated, I promise I will make a super duper long chapter later but guess what I GOT OVER 70 VIEWS YAYYYY I know I know not a lot of views but I had this app for over 2 years and I never got over 20 views sooooo. yeah

ok peace! :P ima call ya'll my rainbow pandas... yeah that's good

bye rainbow pandas!!:*

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