Forgive and lie.

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Melissa looks worried, she quickly hurries out the room, leaving her phone. something tells me that she's not calling her parents.

miller hospital, Thursday 12:57_


We hear a knock on the door so The nurse opens it to check on who it is.

It's Meg


meg: um hi can I come in?

Nikki looks at the other side of the room avoiding to meet my eyes.

meg: I take that as a yes.

I come through the door carrying a get well balloon and card. Nikki rolls her eyes at me.

Nikki: you didn't have to waste your money meg. Its only an allergic reaction.

meg: Then why are you being such a drama Queen about it? I said I'm sorry

Nikki: yeah I heard you say sorry like about 100 times while were driving Melissa to the hospital.

meg: Then why are you so mad at me?!

Nikki: Because you were so jealous you all most killed my friend!

meg: I did not!

the nurse looks at us funny and continues to stare

meg: I wasn't trying to kill her i didn't even know she was allergic to milk! You never told me!

Nikki: I did tell you, both of us did ,Me and Melissa did multiple times!

meg: Well maybe you should of said it was important!

Nikki: Why do I have to say specific details Meg?! You should of been listening!

meg: your not the boss of me Nikki! What if I don't want to hear you and Melissa talking and sharing personal jokes to each other, and shutting me out more and more!

Nikki's face instantly softens

Nikki: w-

meg: and don't start with the whole I almost killed Melissa thing again cause I didn't!

nurse: technically you did Meg, Melissa allergies lead to anaphylaxis anaphylaxis is when the allergic reactions were less affective in the beginning

But later on worsened and it could of caused a life threatened emergency that could of led to death.

Nikki: um can you give us a minute please?

the nurse nods and walks out the room.

Nikki: ok I guess I was kinda, a little bit being a...

meg: a jerk?

Nikki: well I wasn't going to say that but yeah...

meg: I was a bigger jerk I mean I'm the one who almost killed Melissa..

Nikki: you didn't almost kill her

meg: tell that to the nurse.

Nikki: oh and before I forget, what did you mean when you said I was shutting you out?

meg: well.... ever since you met Melissa-

Nurse: the prescription is ready. Now all we need is a parent signature.

Nikki: well, Melissa said she was going to call her parents on her phone but she left her phone here and that was like 10 minutes ago.

Meg: we should go looking for her.

Nikki and me go out the room to look for Melissa. The halls are busy with patience, crying family members, and doctors and nurses, we're on the 4 th floor out of 8 floors,we'll never find Melissa.


Meg and I check the whole 4th floor and there was no sight of her.

Nikki: we're not going to find her anywhere meg! what should we do?

Meg thinks for a minute and her idea face shows.

Meg: we should go check on the first floor where the telephones are at. she probably realized she didn't have her phone so she just used the hospitals!

Nikki: great thinking meg!

Me and meg rush to the elevator only to miss it.

Nikki: let's go down the stairs.

After endless swirling stairs and running we finally got downstairs. panting and out of breath we run to where the telephones are at to find Melissa.

Meg: she's not here.

I sit on one of the chairs in the lobby to catch my breath.

Nikki: why- why did we run?

Meg: I don't - I don't know

I look around for maybe a water fountain, and I see Melissa walking with a guy inside the building. he looks about 30 ,but I could tell he was much younger by the way he dressed he has messy hair and long bangs over his eyes. They go off to the side and I faintly see Melissa holding an 100 dollar bill in his face.he grins,and nods while Melissa whispers in his ear.

Melissa and the guy go inside the hospital and on the elevator.

Meg: let's go

Nikki: ok but can we please use the stairs my legs are killing me!

5 minutes later...

Nurse: we'll very nice or met you mr.?

Melissa: oh sorry this is mr. Robinson, my dad.

Nurse: we'll hello mr. Robinson, we will just need your signature and you can go.

The nurse hand Melissa's dad a clip bored and he hesitates to sign it.Melissa whispers in his ear and he signs it.

Nurse: (takes clip bored) ok you can go now.

Melissa; hey Nikki I'm going to ride with my - my dad.

Nikki: ok I'll call you later

Melissa and her dad walk out the door and go outside.

Meg: we'll we better get going.

Meg and I go to the lobby and we start heading to go out when we see Melissa with her dad. Meg and me get closer for a better look.

?: ok where's the rest of the money?

Melissa: fine here's your stupid money, please actually call me after this!every time after this happens you just take the money and leave! I mean I know it's weird that your acting like my dad but it helps you on acting, but I feel like you don't want to be with me, and you would dump me if I stop giving you money.

?: baby, baby I won't do that. I've just been busy with my acting career that's all. I'm not using you....

Melissa: promise? ( puppy eyes)

?: I promise

Melissa: I love you Jeremy.

Melissa gets on her tippy toes and hugs Jeremy, and kisses him softly on the lips.

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