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Meg looks at me and takes a deep breath. " I'm not just sad because you totally told me off for no reason. I'm sad because you reminded me of...." Meg hesitates to say the name but takes a deep breath and continues. She gets close to my ear ear and whispers so I can only hear it "my dad....." I look surprised "how is thinking of your dad making you sad?" I say whispering because she did. Megs eyes began to water again. "Nikki I have to tell you something and if I tell you this, you have to PROMISE not to tell anyone."

2:45am, Nikki's house.


I felt like a dream....

The fight with meg,

the screaming the yelling.

And Secret

The big Secret

The secret that keeps me up at night.

Meg never told that secret to anyone before. Until now.


I toss and turn as Thurber bangs and roars outside my window . Rain pounds against it making me shiver with fright. The wind blows dangerously making a sound like a scream. A scream for help. The scream I imagine must have been coming out Meg's mouth. As her father endlessly beats her, till there is nothing more than a trembling girl crying and yelling for help on the floor.

And above her is a angry, heartless man I knew for years as Meg's father. Not knowing the things he's done to Meg. While I'm sleeping over at her house, not know there's a monster in the next room.I can't imagine the pain she's in. I want to stop, to stop thinking of what that monster has done to Meg, but I cant. I keep thinking, of what he's done, what trouble he cause. what kind of monster he is that would do that to there own child.

I gasp up for air as I lean up from my pillows. Hair damped to my forehead from the sweat drenched on me from head to toe. The thunder blast into my ear making me jump. My heart

Beats faster and faster like as if it's going to explode. I look around in my dark room and find nothing but darkness until a flash of bright light covers the room. I've been having the same nightmare for 3 days,since meg told me about her fathers beatings.

The lightning brightens the room for seconds then the room goes dark as night. I look to my right at the clock to see the time. 2:47am.... "Fuck I have school tomorrow." The thick blanket unsticks to my skin as I pull it off to get out my bed. The floor creaks with each step I take. The bathroom tile chills my feet and makes me have goose bumps all over my body. I turn on the light and look at myself. My uncombed blackish brown hair drapes over my dark brown tired eyes and mouth. I put my hair in a messy pony tail and drag myself back to bed.


Chad.... charming... Hot...


Chad's green eyes mets my blue eyes as he leans in, gently pressing his warm lips tenderly on mine. My heart skips a beat then quickens its pace.The warmth of his lips Lingers on mine when he pulls away. but only for him to travel down to my neck. He passionately kisses and sucks on my neck which I'm sure would leave a passion mark later on. His hands then start to travel down, lower and lower. My hand makes contact with his chest as I push away. " chad... no" His face shows annoyance, as he backs away his gorgeous face. " I'm sorry.. I'm just not ready, I-" In a split second Chads lips were crushed into mine and his hands wandered about. "stop it chad" I say while pushing his hands away and trying to get off the bed. But he climbs on top of me, I'm crushed beneath his football player body. "chad stop it now!" but he doesn't, his shirt is taken off in a blink of an eye and my shirt has been too risen to were my black bra is shown. "CHAD STOP IT!" He stops and looks at me and the gorgeous green eyes he once had were gone. and all I could see instead was pure evil, he continues taking off my shirt "please chad stop" I cup my Hands around his cheeks and look into his pure evil eyes hoping it was only an illusion and they would turn back green in any moment. Pain spreads on my right cheek when his hand contacts it and I'm sent crashing on the floor. "OW!" In a flash chad is on top of me. chills cover my body as he takes off my black bra. "please chad stop it!" I kick and scream like a crazy person. Pain covers my cheek again as he slaps me again which would leave a slap Mark later on. His hand is shoved in mouth that interrupts my scream. I try to hold back but My eyes fill with tears and they trickle down my cheeks. He slowly moved his hands to my thighs and starts pulling down my underwear. and in a swift moments he slams me against the wall making my back ache from the hardness. "Stop complaining, I'll feel good" he saids as he slides off his pants and kicks is to the side. I close my eyes and a tears escapes, my body is met with the bed and it starts rocking back and forth... my arms and legs go weak and I just lay there, panting goes through the room. While dots sprinkle my version Then everything goes black.

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