Lips of a angel

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Song: Lips of a angel by Hinder

Dean's p.o.v

About two months later ...

Castiel sadly was not getting as well as we hoped. I guess I should be upset about him not being a all powerful angel but I kind of liked human Cas.

"Dean?.... I don't understand. Why is two pieces of bread, Peanut Butter, and the grape flavored Jelly tasted better together verses apart?" Cas asked as he ate the sandwich I made him.

I smiled at how adorable and innocent he is when it comes to humans and our ways. "I don't know man... taste buds are weird..."

Cas awkwardly sat the sandwich down and sticked out his tounge as he touched it. Giving the most focused and annoyed face.

I could not help but laugh. "Cas what the hell are you doing?"

Cas looked up at me with his tounge still out. Giving me those confused eyes. He awkward put his tongue back in his mouth.

"I wanted to look at the taste is hard..." he said.

I stood up as I walk over to him, sitting so I am eye level. "Have you been sleeping well?"

"Dean I understand your concern for me, but I just don't need to sleep... all it causes are the horrible dreams to form." He said as he stood up with his plate and goes to throw away the almost uneaten sandwich.

My eyes widen as I run over and grab his wrist. "You haven't eatten all day Cas ..... please if you aren't going to sleep ... at least ate..."

Cas just looked at my hand and pulled his arm away. "Dean....,"he said in more of a quiet voice, Pulling my hand back to my side as I look into his eyes.

"Yes Cas?"

"How do you manage to be human with all you have done?" He looked at me with confused worried eyes.

I looked down at the ground trying to keep myself from thinking of all that I have done. All I have killed and harmed.  "What do you mean?"

"All of it, Dean!" He suddenly shouted. "The emotions, pain, love, lust, hunger, murder.... how do you deal with all this!"

My eyes widen even more as I notice tears forming in his eyes. Instead of pulling my classic, no chick flick movements, I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders as I pull him into a hug. Keeping my eyes looking at the wall as I hug him close. It took a little, but he slowly hugged me back and hide his face in my shoulder.

"Cas.... not all I do is normal for a human." I laugh lightly. I mean come on.... I should have been dead a long time... you can barley call me human. You... well, I think this is gods way of giving you another chance. Maybe he got tired of you always sneaking up on him like you do to me." I smile and laugh a little more. My face going serious. "Anyways.... being a human is not somthing you can just learn over night and trust me Cas. This.... all this is not a place for a angel..."

Cas pulled away and looked at me. His eyes kind of red from crying. "How can you look at me as a angel..."

"Because... you... well you will always be my angel..." I said that and suddenly regretted it until I was imbarrested with another hug. This time it was all him and I was the awkward one hasitating to hug him back.

"Hey... how about we forget the sandwich and go get some sleep?" I told him with a much calmer voice. I smiled when he noded his head and pulled away.

I throw away the sandwich and head upstairs, Cas following behind. He is almost drowning in my AC/DC Shirt. It scares me how small he has gotten.

"Dean.... c-can I sleep with you?" Cas asked quietly.

My eyes widen as I suddenly think dirty but I know he means just sleep not sex. Gah the boner is think other things as well as I look at Cas. "Um... y-yeah Cas..... I mean I used to do that with Sammy so I mean it's not a big deal. The nightmares getting to much for you?"

He nods slowly as he try to pull my shirt to fit his figure more better.

"Y-yeah what are friends for.... um.... come on..." I walk to my room trying hard to think about somthing gross and not the fact that I could easily take advantage of Cas.... GROSS DUDE HE IS YOUR BESTFRIEND NOT SOME CHEAP WHORE TO FUCK. "

I felt a tape on the shoulder as I look at Cas.

"You ok Dean?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I give him a big smirk and open my door as I wait and shut it.

"Take your shirt off Cas..." I tell him as I grab the kit and look back at Cas who has big eyes. "You have... to get bandaged again..."

Cas looked down awkwardly. "Oh yes... the wound..." He said lightly as he pulls my shirt over his head and gently drops it to the ground.

I walked close to him and start to take off his old bandage, placing my hand on his almost healed chest and rubs. "Looking good Cas..."

"Thank you Dean.... I'm sorry that I got in the way yesterday..." he told me as he looked down at my hands as I bandaged him.

I roll my eyes as I look into his eyes. "You saved me from being a vampire snake.... don't apologize for saving me Cas..." I kept my hand on his chest as we stare into each other eyes for a little."

"If I was still a angel, I could have saved you and that gir... "

I shut him up with my lips as I held him close by his shoulders. My eyes closed tightly as I can feel how tense Cas was. My eyes widen and I pull away face.

"Cas.... I... it is not... dude I'm sorry..." I felt like shit... only crap his lips tasted nice but still... what the hell did I just do.

Cas just stared at me with big eyes as he looked down and smiled lightly. He leaned close and cupped my chin as he kissed me deeply.

I closed my eyes quickly as I kiss him back. Whimpering a little when he broke the kiss .

"Dean ... it's ok .... no chick moments... right?"

I smiled big as I grabbed him by his jean belt and pushed him down on the bed and over top of him. Smirking down at him. "That's right." I tell him before my hand slowly move down his chest.

Cas shivered lightly as he stared up at me with those puppy blues. "D-Dean .... please... I-I'm new .... I never. "

I placed my finger on his lip. "I'll take good care of you ... I promise. "

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